
  • 网络thunderhead;incus
  1. 在冬天,当你用手扫除车上的积雪时,你的手指也许会感受到那种寒冷——风寒的寒冷,这远远比你在夏天时看到的远处隐约的雷雨云砧要危险得多。

    That chill you may feel in your fingers as you clear snow off your car this winter is a much more pressing danger than those thunderheads you may see in the distance this summer .

  2. 密集的正地闪也与强回波区相对应,而稀疏的正地闪则多发生在系统后部的稳定性降水或云砧部位。

    Moreover , the dense positive CG flashes can also be observed in the strong echo region , while sparse ones are in the weak and stable echo region or cloud anvil in the rear MCS .

  3. 根据三维重构结果,可以直观的获得气象预报时所需要的一些重要信息,如气流上升和下沉、云砧的状态等。

    According to the results of three-dimensional reconstruction , we can obtain some important information needed in weather forecasting directly , such as the rising and sinking of the airflow , the state of the cloud anvil and so on .