首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。

    The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings .

  2. 这项原则并非适用于一切场合。

    This rule does not apply in all cases .

  3. 在他们看来,财富重于一切,教育没什么价值。

    In their eyes wealth counted for a great deal , education for very little .

  4. 作为社会存在的一种基本形式,冲突(conflict)是在人类交往过程中形成的一种对立状况,它存在于一切社会形态之中,而且还是构成社会变迁的重要动因。

    As a basic form of social existence ," conflict " is a confrontation situation in the process of human interaction and an important motive for social change , which exists among all societies .

  5. 这种开发思路将有助于一切其它面向屏幕的软件工具环境下对MIS开发的概念模式的描述,这将大大提高软件开发效率,改善开发和维护性能。

    They are can support MIS development , in any general oriented interface aid tool , it can make development and maitenance easier and improve the efficiency of MIS development .

  6. 提出了散布矩阵的一种简洁表示方法,这一简洁表示方法适合于一切使用Fisher鉴别准则的模式识别问题。

    A concise representation method of between-class scatter matrix and population scatter matrix is proposed , which suits for all the applications of pattern recognition using Fisher criteria .

  7. 过去,一个阻碍增长的因素是国家利益重于一切的精神,这使得地区的利益和包括CBA球队老板等的商家利益被忽视。

    One factor that has stunted growth in the past is the Chinese ethos of the national interest outweighing smaller regional and commercial interests like CBA owners .

  8. 在这点上,音乐就颇象几何图形和数目了,后两者是一切可能的经验对象之共同形式,而且是apri-ori(先验地)可以应用于一切事物的,但仍然不是抽象的,而是显而易见和极其明确的。

    In this respect it resembles geometrical figures and numbers , which are the universal forms of all possible objects of experience and applicable to them all a priori , and yet are not abstract but perceptible and thoroughly determinate .

  9. 这类驱动器适用于一切超高精度的直接驱动。

    These actua-tors are applied to all ultrahigh accuracy direct drive .

  10. 这一法律适用于一切公共娱乐场所。

    This law applies to all places of public entertainment .

  11. 遍及一切亦显于一切之觉性智。

    The awareness wisdom , which pervades all and appears in all .

  12. 这次竞选中经济问题凌驾于一切其他们题之上。

    The economy has eclipsed all other issues during this election campaign .

  13. 贫困存在于一切国家之中,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家。

    Poverty exists in all countries , whether developed or developing ones .

  14. 秩序具有优先于一切的政治价值。

    The order has precedence over all in political value .

  15. 心理学是作用于一切学科的科学。

    Psychology is the science functioning on all the subjects .

  16. 这对中国时装的宣传效果要强于一切时装表演。

    This does more to advertise Chinese couture than any fashion show .

  17. 适用于一切导电(磁性非磁性)试件。

    3 , applies to all conductive ( magnetic non-magnetic ) sample .

  18. 饭店报警按规定是重于一切的。

    A hotel alert rated everything in the book .

  19. 切勿满足于一切低于梦想的事物。

    Never settle for anything less than your purpose .

  20. 人民的安全重于一切。

    Nothing is more important than the safety and security of our people .

  21. 水存在于一切生物中,没有水,生物就不能生存。

    Water is in all living things and nothing can live without it .

  22. 这个数字并不适用于一切基线尺。

    Such figures are not applicable to all wires .

  23. 爱是一切,给于一切,取走一切。

    Love is all , it gives all , and it takes all .

  24. 但近代的历史哲学是思辨的,它先验地构思出适用于一切时代的抽象的历史观念。

    It arbitrarily forms a set of abstract historic conceptions for all times .

  25. 一切的物质条件都起源于一切的附加条件。

    All material conditions have their origins in all of the additional conditions .

  26. 因为灵魂漫步于一切道路。

    For the soul walks upon all paths .

  27. 心理学从哲学中独立出来后,始终力图成为适用于一切人的认知科学。

    Psychology always try to be a cognition science after being seperated from philosophy .

  28. 金钱和地位似乎凌驾于一切之上。

    Money and position seemed all that mattered .

  29. 在吃的法则里,风味重于一切。

    Taste is more important than anyting else as far as food is concerned .

  30. 碳元素存在于一切生物体中。

    Carbon is found in all living things .