
èr liú zi
  • loafer;bum;idler;deadbeat;layabout;lounge lizard;wastrel
二流子 [èr liú zǐ]
  • [loafer;idler] 不务正业游手好闲的人

二流子[èr liú zi]
  1. 土匪、植鸦片和二流子是旧制度给陕甘宁边区乡村留下来的主要社会问题。

    Bandit , opium planting and idler are the main social problems that the old system left for the villages in the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region .

  2. 所有二流子都要受到改造,参加生产,变成好人。

    All loafers must be reformed into good citizens through participation in production .

  3. 罗素,你一点进取心也没有,简直和一个二流子没两样。

    Russell , you 've got no more gumption than a bump on a log .

  4. 那么我就来问问这个二流子。

    Then I question the rascal .

  5. 女人们认为男人都是懒散的二流子。

    Women thought men idle good-for-nothings .

  6. 原注十:据说中国有一千五百万到两千万游手好闲无所事事的“二流子”。

    There are said to be fifteen to twenty million " loafers " and " rascals " in China .

  7. 生产自给以来,劳动观念加强了,二流子的习气被改造了。

    But since the army began to produce for its own support , the attitude to labour has improved and loafer ways have been overcome .

  8. 它比募兵制要好些,它不会造成那样多的二流子;但比征兵制要差些。

    It is better than the mercenary system since it does not produce so many loafers , but it is not so good as universal military service .

  9. 他於是发誓说,他的店里今后决不再接待任何二流子,因为这帮家伙吃得多,不付一分钱,而且还忘恩负义地对你做恶作剧。

    He then vowed never again to take in such a pack of scoundrels who eat and drink a lot , pay nothing , and for thanks play mean tricks .