
  • 网络biennial herb
  1. )为二年生草本植物,属于十字花科沙芥属(PugioniumGaertn.)

    Belongs to the biennial herbs and the Cruciferae , and Pugionium Gaertn .

  2. 以二年生草本花卉黑心菊为材料,通过温室栽培和露天栽培之间的比较实验,研究了温室环境对其生长的影响。

    The influence of greenhouse environment on the growth of in Rudbeckia hirta , a biennial herbaceous flower was studied through comparative experiments conducted in a greenhouse and in the open air .

  3. 二年生草本8科、18属、27种;

    Annual and biennial herbs : 8 / 18 / 27 ;

  4. 益母草(leonurusheterophyllussweet)为唇形科益母草属植物一年或二年生草本,广泛分布于欧亚大陆温带。

    Leonurus Heterophyllus Sweet is a grass widely distributed in the eurasia , which belong to Labiatae family .

  5. 生活型谱中一、二年生草本植物的比例由恢复前的61.5%降低到35%,植被盖度由恢复前的18%增加到80%。

    The proportion of annual and biennial herbage in vegetation composition was decreased from 61.5 % to 35 % , and the vegetation coverage was increased from 18 % to 80 % .

  6. 其次为一年生草本和二年生草本植物,分别占8.33%和6.67%。

    In typical steppe , the perennial herbs are the major and hold 77.50 % of all the plants , the others are annual and biennial herbs , holding 8.33 % and 6.67 % respectively .

  7. 优势种一、二年生草本和旱生植物多样性的变化不仅影响到群落多样性的变化,而且对草场群落及其生态系统的稳定和生态功能的发挥具有重要影响。

    The change of diversity of the dominant annual and biennial herbaceous plants and xerophytes affects not only the community diversity , but also affects significantly the stability and ecological functions of steppe communities and ecosystems .

  8. 芹菜是伞形花科、二年生的草本植物,又名芹、药芹、蒲芹。

    Celery is the umbrella-type family and biennial herb , also known as celery , celery drugs and Parsnip .

  9. 一年生、二年生和一、二年生草本植物生物量较低,而种子数量占总量的一半以上;

    The biomass of annual herb , biennial herb and annual biennial herb were all lower , but their seed amounts were above half of total ;