- 网络accident conditions

Supervision of Operating Conditions and Retrospection of Accident Conditions for HTR-10
This paper summarizes the design methods that use the digital control system ( DCS ) system as supervision of operating conditions and retrospection of accident conditions for 10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor ( HTR 10 ) .
The radial and axial power distributions of normal operation ( category I or condition I ) and abnormal operation ( category II or condition II ) are simulated by using neutronics calculation code .
Application of Initiating Condition and Emergency Action Level in NPP at ATWS
The safety subatmospheric pressure ventilation system is used in heating , ventilation and air conditioning ( HVAC ) system to fulfil its all kinds of safety related functions in the normal operation or the accident operation .
The study on flow and heat transfer in downcomer under loss of coolant accident ( LOCA ) is important to the safety of reactor pressure vessel ( RPV ) .
The analysis of differential pressure under the accident condition of steam turbine
Computation of Reactor Control Rod Drop Time under Accident Conditions
Calculation on Fission Product Transport and Release to Environment During PWR Accident
Estimation of overspeed time when FCC unit main set is at fault
Dynamic response analysis for primary components under accident condition
The Study on Cooling Building in Damage Accident
The calculating results show that the MSLB accident is the most serious condition for MER .
This paper studies the physical model of room when heating is stopped in damage accident of heating-supply network .
The effect of internal boundary layer on dose and the contribution to dose from the washout deposition pathway are discussed .
Numerical results of two accident situations , pump stopping and shut down , conform to the basic features of low velocity .
The effect of meat exposure on fuel element plates was small under normal conditions , but could not be neglected under off-normal conditions .
This article presents the calculation of radiological consequences of normal operation and various design basis accidents for GNPS 12 18-months fuel cycles project .
The Alarm System plays an important role in keeping the Low Temperature Heating Reactor ( LTHR ) from incident and deteriorating to severe accident .
Moreover , this control system also has such functions as the emergency shutdown under fault condition , sludge collection and video monitor for operation status .
By using the modern computer simulation technique , the system simulates the major operation and control , normal and emergency conditions , and protection relay .
The test results show that the equipment performance is excellent which operation requirement can be satisfied in normal or accident conditions for the power plant .
Under this condition , this thesis offers a study on cavitation characteristics caused by two main accidental conditions : power off and system fluid off .
The main reasons of the accident are revealed through analyzing the relationship between the inner flow field and the impeller structure under the real operating condition .
Thermal hydraulic design of reactor core for 10MW research reactor is consistent with requirement of safety criteria ; enough safety margin is given for anticipated accidents .
In the design , it is necessary to advance water hammer analysis , forecasting and simulation of accident conditions the occurrence of water hammer and dissemination of the law .
Hydraulic calculation method of multi-source ring-shaped heat-supply network is given , hydraulic calculation and analysis of multiple emergency regimes are presented by an actual example , and the measures improving reliability are put forward .
The results showed : ( 1 ) Under large perturbation such as accident conditions the void reactivity feedback caused by subcooled boiling is considerable , and , bigger difference exists between various subcooled boiling models .
The preliminary results of safety analysis show that the 10 MW HTR Test Module has good inherent safety features . Under all above postulated accident conditions the reactor will be in a safety allowable condition .
The passive residual heat removal heat exchanger is an important device in the passive safety system , which charged with the important task of removing core decay heat during the accident operating conditions to ensure the safety of reactor .