
  • 网络pre-control;feed forward;feed forward control;ex ante control
  1. 不完备契约与商业银行信贷风险的事前控制研究

    A Study on Incomplete Contract and Ex Ante Control of Credit Risks

  2. 借贷契约就为银行如何实施这种风险的事前控制提供了一个很好的载体。

    So loan contract is the carrier that helps the implement of ex ante control of credit risks .

  3. 汾河二库碾压混凝土VC值的事前控制

    Prior Control of VC Value of Roller Compacted Concrete , Fenhe Reservoir ⅱ

  4. 一种是事前控制,主要形似是以预防为主,通过标准化、过程管理等如CMM,ISO以控制质量缺陷为目的的管理方法。

    Fore-control is to control quality defects through process standardization and management methods , such as CMM and ISO , prevention is its main form .

  5. 邮区中心局生产成本事前控制

    The Production Costs Prior Control of the Central Bureau of Postal District

  6. 加强事前控制提高监督水平

    Strengthening the Prior Control and Increasing the Supervision Level

  7. 浅谈如何加强对应收账款的事前控制

    How to Strengthen the Pre-control of the Receivable Account

  8. 公平合理、事前控制、激励改进是其基本原则;

    The basic principles are fairness , reasonableness , prior control and improvement-favorableness .

  9. 浅谈如何搞好高层建筑安装工程监理的事前控制

    On how to make a pre-control of installation project supervision of high building

  10. 浅谈监理施工质量事前控制

    Discussion on the Beforehand Control of Construction Quality Supervision

  11. 物流成本预算是事前控制,为物流成本控制设定控制标准;

    Logistics cost budgeting controls in advance , and establishes the cost standard of controlling .

  12. 监理事前控制工作的效果评价

    Evaluation on effectiveness of pre-supervision control works

  13. 工程质量事前控制分析

    Concerning Control Analysis Beforehand in Engineering Quality

  14. 浅谈我国酒店人力资源成本的事前控制

    On the Advance Control of the Cost of the Hotel Human Resources in Our Country

  15. 质量控制过程中的事前控制

    On Pre-control in Process of Quality Control

  16. 项目的经营工作侧重于事后测算,忽略了事前控制。

    The management focused particularly on the afterwards survey , but ignore the prior control ;

  17. 施工阶段监理对质量的事前控制

    Beforehand control of supervision in construction stage

  18. 三阶段质量控制包括事前控制、事中控制和事后控制。

    Three stage quality control includes controlling in advance , controlling and controlling in the thing afterwards .

  19. 质量控制点是土木工程施工中对质量进行事前控制的常用方法。

    The quality control point is the common method of the quality prior-control during civil engineering construction .

  20. 对自由裁量权的控制主要是通过事前控制、行使过程中进行规范和事后监督的方式进行。

    On the control of discretion is mainly through the beforehand control , exercise process standardization and supervision mode .

  21. 在信用风险控制方面,事前控制远比事中控制和事后控制都要重要。

    In the credit risk control , pre controls will be ever important than process control and post control .

  22. 在对行政裁量的控制上,传统模式主要有立法的事前控制和司法的事后控制两大类。

    On the control of administrative discretion , there are two traditional models , legislation control and judicial control .

  23. 事前控制、过程控制、事后监督共同组成了一个控制行政处罚自由裁量权的综合网络。

    Pre-control , process control and post-supervision form a strong integrated network of controlling the discretion of administrative punishments .

  24. 预防优先原则强调废物的事前控制,体现的是积极防控的资源环境思维;

    The preference for prevention principle emphasizes prevention in advance and it embodies resources and environment thought of positive prevention ;

  25. 在废弃物物流管理中应遵循效益平衡原则、事前控制原则和系统化原则。

    Benefit-balance principle , prior-control principle and system principle should be abode by in the management of waste material logistics .

  26. 为了把工程质量从事后检查把关,转向事前控制,达到以预防为主的目的,必须加强施工工序的质量控制。

    We must strengthen quality control of construction working procedure in order to transfer the afterwards quality checking into beforehand control .

  27. 事前控制是强调在输入阶段进行控制,以确保在转化过程中符合必要的标准。

    Feed_forward control focuses on the regulation of inputs to ensure that they meet the standards necessary for the transformation process .

  28. 要有效控制行政处罚自由裁量权必须对其进行事前控制、过程控制、事后监督。

    In order to effectively control the discretion of administrative punishments , pre-control , process control and post-supervision must be carried out .

  29. 通过事前控制、事中控制、事后控制对制造企业物流成本进行系统性控制研究。

    Through beforehand control , intermediate control and afterwards control of the logistics cost control of manufacturing enterprises to build the control system .

  30. 对于工程造价的控制要立足于事前控制,即主动控制,以减少目标值与实际值的偏离。

    In order to decrease the deviation between project value and factual value the control of cost should be based on precontrol-active control .