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mǎi zhàng
  • show respect for;acknowledge the superiority or seniority of;acknowledge the seniority of
买账 [mǎi zhàng]
  • [acknowledge the seniority of;show respect for] 承认或屈从于对方的势力或长处

  • 他们对阔人从不买账

买账[mǎi zhàng]
  1. 对于官僚主义,群众是不买账的。

    The masses won 't go for bureaucracy .

  2. 他越是神气,我们越不买账。

    The more airs he gives himself , the less respect we 'll show him .

  3. 但当他开始向商家展示他的TivoliOne收音机时,美国的零售买家们并不买账。

    But when he started showing his Tivoli One radio to stores , retail buyers in the US did not get it .

  4. King试图说服投资者相信,该公司将重现《糖果传奇》的成功,但没什么人买账。

    King tried to sell investors on the notion that it could repeat and build on Candy Crush 's success , but few took the bait .

  5. 不过在目前,一家加州企业的经历便足以说明,为何英国投资者对有志在Aim上市的海外企业越来越不买账。

    At the moment , however , the experience of one Californian company is sufficient to illustrate why investors in the UK are becomingly increasingly reluctant to buy into overseas aspirants to Aim .

  6. PBS的一个Twitter账号把该决定描绘为“爱国之举”,但观众们并不买账。

    A PBS Twitter account cast the decision as " the patriotic thing to do , " but viewers were not convinced .

  7. 对制裁不买账的俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)继续深得民心,甚至在近几周在乌克兰变得更加咄咄逼人。

    A defiant Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to enjoy popular support , and has become even more aggressive in Ukraine in recent weeks .

  8. 黑链接很便宜,对于提升PR有帮助,但是最近两大搜索引擎对于黑链接不是很买账,有时候一旦发现严重K站降权处理。

    Black links are cheap PR for the upgrade helpful , but recently the two search engines link to are not quite buy it for the black , sometimes serious K stand down once found the right deal .

  9. 的确,大概一年前,Twitter公司推出PromotedTweets(由广告主撰写并付费发布的Tweet)时,仅有6家公司买账;而现在则达到600家之多。

    Indeed , when twitter rolled out promoted tweets tweets written by and paid for by advertisers roughly a year ago , there were only six marketers ; now there are 600 .

  10. 在场的一些年轻的黑人选民也对罗姆尼经济政策给出了积极的回应,但是18岁的ChristinaHowse却不买账,她说罗姆尼需要给出更实质性的东西:

    Some young black voters at the event also responded positively to Romney 's economic proposals . But 18 year old Christina Howse wanted more substance :

  11. 现在Siri是一个家喻户晓的名字,然而当史蒂夫.乔布斯第一次听到Siri这个词时,他却并不买账。

    It may be a household name now , but the first time Steve Jobs heard the word " Siri , " he wasn 't sold .

  12. 这一次,在日本政府尽力控制东京东北部遭受地震破坏的福岛(fukushima)核电站的局势的时候,法国公众并未对任何此类陈词滥调买账。

    This time round , as Japanese authorities struggle to bring the crippled Fukushima plant north-east of Tokyo back under control , the French public is not buying any such platitudes .

  13. 某在线调查表明,近90%的中国用户对苹果公司于9月10日发布的针对中国市场低端用户的iphone5C并不买账。中国用户仍然觉得iphone5C价格太高,对其并无兴趣。

    Almost 90 percent of Chinese users in an online survey complained the iPhone 5C , which Apple Inc launched on Sept 10 to target low-end users in countries such as China , is still too expensive and said they have no interest in the new gadget .

  14. 据剧组人员传言,其他演员对此并不买账,“甚至在进餐时都不会想和Cattrall坐在一起。”

    The Telegraph reported that crew members said the girls were not happy about this and " wouldn 't even sit with Cattrall at mealtimes . "

  15. 问:你是《纽约客》的漫画编辑,HBO纪录片《幽默的严肃》(VerySemi-Serious)的主角。在影片中,当你不买账的时候,漫画家们就会向你尝试解释他们的作品。

    You 're the cartoon editor of The New Yorker and the subject of a new HBO documentary , " Very Semi-Serious . " In it , cartoonists often try to explain their cartoons to you if you aren 't initially sold .

  16. 美国协会也门研究专家、Sanaa市的StephenSteinbeiser表示,他希望总统的改革承诺会平息青年人及反对党,但学生们似乎并不买账。萨利赫总统于今年2月21日在也门Sanaa市记者招待会上发表讲话。

    Yemen expert Stephen Steinbeiser of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies in Sana'a says that he expected the president 's promise of reform to appease young people and opposition parties , but that students appear unwilling to accept his offer : President Ali Abdullah Saleh speaks during a media conference in Sanaa , Yemen , February 21 , 2011

  17. 如果莎拉不买账的话你可别怪我。

    Don 't blame me if Sarah doesn 't buy it .

  18. 但是评论家们对这本新书却没那么买账。

    Critics weren 't as swept away by the latest project .

  19. 不过,市场似乎并不买账。

    The markets , however , do not appear convinced .

  20. 然而周一的调查显示,来自外地的纽约人并不买账。

    But nonnative New Yorkers weren 't buying that particular bridge Monday .

  21. 中国消费者似乎不会买账。

    Chinese consumers do not appear to be buying it .

  22. 我非常激动,想知道大家买不买账。

    I 'm very excited to see how it does .

  23. 现在,我怀疑你们中的有些人对我以上说的并不买账。

    Now , I suspect some of you aren 't buying this .

  24. 那么富国的选民会为此买账吗?

    How might a bail-out be sold to rich-country voters ?

  25. 参与培训人对他们的看法会不会买账?

    Will the participants buy in to their ideas ?

  26. 但是,投资者和监管者并不买账。

    Investors and regulators , however , are unconvinced .

  27. 但消费者似乎并不买账。

    But consumers do not seem to buy it .

  28. 回头看来,有一点很明显,人们对“自上而下”的领导方式似乎并不买账。

    In retrospect , it seems obvious people weren 't responding to'top down'leadership .

  29. 俄罗斯对此表示否认,但是北约秘书长并不买账。

    Russia has denied that , but NATO secretary General isn 't buying it .

  30. 事实上,投资者对这两项计划都不买账。

    In fact , they hated both ideas .