
xiānɡ ɡuī mín yuē
  • 熟语local rules and regulations valid for the whole village;written pledges drawn up by villagers
  • rules set by the villagers
乡规民约 [xiāng guī mín yuē]
  • [rules set by the villagers] 指由当地村民共同制定并要求共同遵守的规约

  1. 越南农村的乡规民约已经存在了许多世纪。

    The Vietnamese countryside village rules had existed for many centuries .

  2. 乡规民约与乡村社会的和谐发展

    Village regulations and folk conventions and the harmonious development of society

  3. 乡规民约作为一种内生的乡村自治机制,越来越引起学术界的关注。

    Village rules as an endogenous mechanism for rural self-government have increasingly .

  4. 乡约不等于乡规民约

    Village Conventions Are Not Village Regulations and Agreements

  5. 转而考察了传统乡规民约的制定和执行情况。

    Fourthly , this paper examines the formulation and enforcement of the traditional village rules .

  6. 试论乡规民约在新农村建设中的价值和功能

    Discussion of the Value and Function of the Village Rules in the New Rural Costruction

  7. 越南乡规民约的法社会学解析

    Legal Sociology on the Vietnamese Village rules

  8. 继而探讨和分析了传统乡规民约的作用和历史局限性。

    Fifthly , this article analyzes the effect and historical limitation of the traditional village rules .

  9. 首先是考察社会中的风俗习惯、乡规民约等如何进入司法过程。

    Firstly , to observe how the folk regulations in the society comes into the judicial process .

  10. 第二章主要从理论上多角度分析了乡规民约的生存空间与合理存在。

    Part two analyses the rural rules existence space and rational existence from multiple angles in theory .

  11. 新中国成立后,由于政治上的因素,乡规民约一度失效。

    After the founding of New China , due to political factors , village rules once expired .

  12. 说明了我们需要重视的乡规民约是何种意义上的乡规民约。

    This shows that we need to focus on the folk regulations and what a kind of sense .

  13. 接着分析了传统乡规民约的思想文化渊源。

    Thirdly , this article analyzes the ideological and cultural headwaters of the traditional village regulations and rules .

  14. 第三章采用实证的研究方法分析乡规民约的局限性,乡规民约与国家法律的冲突根源大抵来自于此。

    Part three analyses rural laws limitations , which give rise to the conflicts between rural laws and national laws .

  15. 但相对来讲,少数民族乡规民约的研究还未引起足够的重视。

    However , comparatively speaking , the study on the minority people village rules has not yet attracted sufficient attention .

  16. 第三,为了避免交易所造成的社会成本,一定程度的自律机制建设&引进乡规民约和正规金融的外部竞争是合理的制度选择。

    Thirdly , to reduce social costs induced by informal financing , self discipline and external competition are two feasible choices .

  17. 作为一种广教化而厚风俗的文化形态和非正式制度,传统乡规民约经历了一个曲折而漫长的发展演进过程,其形式从口耳相传、约定俗成发展为文本化和系统化。

    As a culture pattern and an unofficial system , the traditional village regulations and rules have undergone through a long process of evolution .

  18. 同样可以看出,乡规民约在乡村整合中挥发着重大的作用,是乡村整合的重要机制之一。

    Similarly , we can see that village rules which play a significant role in the rural integration is one important mechanism in rural integration .

  19. 论构建和谐社会生活方式论乡村治理方式的转向&从乡规民约到作为社会生活方式的法治

    On the Turn of the Way of the Administration & From the Folk Regulations to the Administration of Rule of Law of the Social Life Style

  20. 综观河西内陆河流域历史水权制度,主要是以国家正式制度为主导,附之以乡规民约。

    In the whole history , the System of Water Rights was mainly governed by the national system as well as the rules set by the villagers .

  21. 越南乡规民约是基于越南乡村这一特定区域内人们的共同意志,在生产、生活的实践中形成的,由乡民自愿遵行以调节乡民之间关系的行为规范。

    The Vietnamese Village rules is the legal concept of a certain area villager controling themselves during the produce and the living in order to arrange villagers relationship .

  22. 这些道德教育内容通过学校教育、宗族教化和乡规民约三个途径得到有效的实施。

    These contents of moral education can be effectively carried out in three ways , i.e.school education , clan edification , as well as local rules and conventions .

  23. 乡规民约是我国基层社会生活中的群众自治的社会规范,在我国有着悠久的历史和深远的影响。

    The village rules are populace 's autonomous social norm in our country 's basic unit social life , having the glorious history and the profound influence in our country .

  24. 此外,乡村社会的经济发展水平、乡民的传统价值观念以及当地风俗习惯等诸多因素对传统乡规民约也产生了不同程度的影响。

    In addition , other elements including economic development of the rural society , the traditional value of the local people and traditional moral-ethical ideas all affected the traditional village rules in different degrees .

  25. 若把乡规民约看作一种土生土长于乡村的非正式性规则制度,而国家法律当作一种外来的正式性制度,则可发现二者存在着某种契合,具有互补之作用。

    If the rural rules were considered to be a type of informal rule system that is locally born and bred in the countryside while national laws are regarded as a type of foreign and formal system , it is two which are complementary .

  26. 乡规民约是传统乡村社会体系的一部分,和当时的价值观念、组织制度、集体资源的分配交织在一起,对传统乡村社会的和谐稳定起到重要作用。

    Village regulations and folk conventions are part of the traditional social system , interwoven with the value concept , organization system and the distribution of the collective resources . They play an important part in the harmonious stability of eth traditional village society .

  27. 哈尼族在长期生产生活实践中形成的生态伦理思想,蕴含在神话传说、宗教信仰、梯田经济、乡规民约及社会习俗中,不断调整着人与自然的关系。

    The thought of ecological ethics , which is formed during the longtime product and life practice of Hani people , is contained in the legends , religious , terrace economy , village regulation and social customs . It always adjusts the relationship between nature and human beings .

  28. 首先指出我国村民自治制度存在的两大现状,即村两委共同管理本村事务,利用乡规民约约束村民日常行为,以弥补法律制度方面的不足。

    First of all that our country the villager autonomy system two existing present situation , namely " the village two committees " to this village affairs management , analyzes the constraints of the turn of daily behavior , to make up for the deficiency of legal system .

  29. 研究结果表明:生态自我修复在该地区实践上是可行的,只要再辅以人工补植,并有相应的法律法规及乡规民约相配套,即可在较短的时间内实现本地区的山清水秀。

    The research result shows that it is feasible of ecological self-renovation in this area , only need the artificial repair planting as the complement , with the correspond laws & regulations and social engagement as the counterpart , which can realize within the short time the picturesque scenery locally .