
Arboreal woodland , the cluster > 5mm in shrubby woodland and meadow average reach 340g .
The contents of soil moisture were arranged in the following sequnce : forest land > bush land > farm land .
For the non-capillary porosity , its order from high to low was abandoned farmland , woodland , shrub land , and grassland .
The results showed that the integrated tree-grass planting had the best effect on vegetation restoration . The vegetation restoration on shrub land was better than that on high tree land .
Average contents of coarse silt in the top layer of the soil were appeared in the following order : bush land > forest land , young stands > middle-aged stands > mature stands while the total contents of medium and fine silt were adversely ;
By comparing the averaged soil physical properties of upper soil layer ( 0 ~ 30 cm ) among four main vegetation types , the soil density in abandoned farmland was the highest , the woodland the second , the grassland the third , and the shrub land the lowest .