
yì wù jiào yù
  • compulsory education;free and compulsory education
义务教育 [yì wù jiào yù]
  • [ompulsory education]法律要求或保证的最低文化水平,通常未成年者应在立案的学校中上学到规定年限

  1. 九年制义务教育正在逐步实施。

    The system of nine-year compulsory education is being implemented .

  2. 近几个世纪来,贸易、工业化、民族国家的发展以及义务教育的普及,特别是过去几十年中的全球化和交流的增进,都造成了许多语言的消失,也造就了英语等占主导地位的语言。

    In recent centuries , trade , industrialisation , the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education , especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades , all have caused many languages to disappear , and dominant languages such as English .

  3. 直到1880年,英国才开始实行初等义务教育。

    Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880

  4. 第十八条国家实行九年制义务教育制度。

    Article 18 The State applies a system of nine-year compulsory education .

  5. 义务教育至16岁为止。

    Compulsory schooling ends at sixteen .

  6. 实行高中免费义务教育,对我们现在的经济结构调整转型、特别是投资拉动也有重要作用。

    Establishing free education in high schools is helpful for the adjustment and transformation4 of the economic structure , and is particularly beneficial for attracting investment .

  7. 各地政府正在建立义务教育教师工资收入随当地公务员待遇调整的联动机制。

    All local governments are working on establishing a mechanism12 for adjusting the salaries of teachers in primary and middle schools in line with those of government officials .

  8. 学校不得公开学生个人的考试成绩、名次,不得对外宣传学生升学情况。义务教育学校不得以长期停课、劝退等方式,剥夺学生受教育权,不得开除或者变相开除学生。

    Schools should not release test scores or rankings of students , nor should they publicize results of admission to higher-level schools . Schools pertaining , and should not expel students in any way .

  9. 这一建议在网上引发了热议。许进在建议中表示,义务教育阶段,英语等外语课程不再设为与语文和数学同等的主课,增加体育、音乐、艺术等素质教育课程占比。

    In the proposal , Xu said that English should not be a core subject like Chinese and math during compulsory education and more course hours should be given to improving students ' skills in physical education , music and art .

  10. 第五十九条经县级人民政府批准,乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府根据自愿、量力的原则,可以在本行政区域内集资办学,用于实施义务教育学校的危房改造和修缮、新建校舍,不得挪作他用。

    Article 59 With the approval of the people 's governments at the county level , people 's governments of townships , nationality townships or towns may , on the basis of voluntariness and according to their own capability education ; such funds shall not be diverted to any other purposes .

  11. 1986年,中国开始实施、普及九年义务教育。

    In1986 , China began implementation of universal nine-year compulsory education .

  12. 我国义务教育投资体制变迁轨迹分析

    Analysis on Changing of the Compulsory Educational Investment System in China

  13. 关于农民工子女义务教育公平问题的探讨

    On the Impartiality in Compulsory Education for Peasant Workers ' Children

  14. 新《义务教育法》五论

    On The Newly-Revised " Compulsory Education Law " In Five Perspectives

  15. 义务教育财政:能否以省为主

    Compulsory Education Finance : Whether the Province Should Hold Primary Liability

  16. 青藏高原普及九年制义务教育存在的问题与对策

    Problems And Countermoves About Popularizing Nine-Year-System Compulsory Education In Qing-Zang Highland

  17. 义务教育财政转移支付的目标选择

    Targets Choice of Fiscal Transfer Payment for Compulsory Education in China

  18. 中国义务教育法制百年历程之反思

    A Reflection on the Past Century of Compulsory Education in China

  19. 义务教育科学课程结构问题的几点思考

    Consideration on the Problem of Science Curriculum Structure in Compulsory Education

  20. 义务教育阶段统计观念的内涵及培养

    Statistics Idea Connotation and Raising It in the Compulsory Education Stage

  21. 论义务教育校际均衡发展

    On the Equal Development of Public Schools in the Compulsory Education

  22. 义务教育免费之后的考验:实践难题与现实出路

    Test of post tuition-free compulsory education : problem and way out

  23. 内容提要:目前,我国实行九年义务教育。

    Synopsis : At present , our country implements nine-year compulsory education .

  24. 区域经济发展不平衡对义务教育投入的影响

    The Influence of District Economic Imbalance on Compulsory Education Investment

  25. 新课程的实施给广大教师提出了严峻的挑战,义务教育《化学课程标准》对初中化学教师提出新的要求。

    The teachers faced serious challenge of the new curriculum .

  26. 义务教育均衡发展问题探析&以福建省为例

    A Case Study of Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Fujian Province

  27. 建立义务教育财政分担机制的必要性分析

    The Necessity of Establishing the System of Sharing the Compulsory Education Cost

  28. 免费义务教育:实现义务教育公平的制度变迁

    Free Compulsory Education : A System Change of Realizing Compulsory Education Equality

  29. 试析转型期中国义务教育的免费性

    Analysis on the Free Quality About Chinese Compulsory Education in Transitional Period

  30. 从择校看我国义务教育资源配置的公平性

    On the Fairness of Education Resource Distribution through Selecting School