
  • The Old Town of Lijiang;Lijiang Old Town
  1. 西蒙:嗨,安娜。我是西蒙,我是从丽江古城打过来的!

    Simon : Hey Anna . This is Simon , calling from the Old Town of Lijiang !

  2. 国家旅游局在对国内5A级景区开展检查后指出,丽江古城的问题是投诉增多,安全性差。

    The Old Town of Lijiang was subject to rising complaints and poor security , the National Tourism Administration pointed out after inspecting the 5A-licensed tourism spots .

  3. 丽江古城是最著名的名胜。

    The ancient town of Lijiang is a most wonderful sight .

  4. 丽江古城旅游资源可持续利用评价实证研究

    The Evaluation of Tourism Resources Sustainable Using of Lijiang Ancient City

  5. 对丽江古城的定位与旅游发展的思考

    Consideration to the Orientation of Lijiang Ancient City and Its Tourist Development

  6. 丽江古城有近千年的历史。

    Lijiang has a history of almost a thousand years .

  7. 丽江古城景观水环境现状与调控研究

    Study on Actualities and Regulation of Landscape Water Environment in Lijiang City

  8. 丽江古城旅游商业人口和空间分布的关系研究

    Study on Tourism Commerce Population and Spatial Distribution in Old Town of Lijiang

  9. 建筑师的生活空间丽江古城的日常生活空间结构解析

    The Spatial Structure of Urban Spaces in Lijiang City

  10. 丽江古城城市生态旅游开发研究

    Study on the Exploitation of City Ecotourism for the Old Town of Lijiang

  11. 在丽江古城很容易就迷路了。

    It is easy to get lost in the Old Town of Lijiang .

  12. 丽江古城坐落在昆明的西北角。

    THE town of Lijiang lies northwest of Kunming .

  13. 丽江古城,是世界文化遗产之一,距今已有800多年的历史。

    Lijiang is the only fairyland on earth which has a history of800 years .

  14. 丽江古城客栈经营者社会责任缺失研究

    Study on the vacancy of social responsibility in family hotels running in Lijiang Old Town

  15. 第五部分以世界遗产地丽江古城为个案,通过案例来验证前面所提出的分析。

    The fifth part takes Lijiang ancient city as an example to verify the theory referred to .

  16. 丽江古城的客栈起步早、发展快,是丽江旅游业发展的重要支撑。

    Lijiang Old Town family hotels started early and have been developing quickly to support Lijiang tourism .

  17. 丽江古城纳西和汉文化的相互影响与整合

    The Mutual Influence and Integration between Naxi Culture and Han Culture in the Old Town of Lijiang

  18. 本文中,丽江古城利用淡水资源作为景观用水发展旅游业。

    In this paper , Lijiang Ancient Town is described for the use of freshwater resource as attractive landscaping .

  19. 人豪:我觉得阳朔颇有点儿丽江古城的风格,都是这样窄窄的小路。

    Renhao : I think Yangshuo a bit like the ancient town of Lijiang , all the narrow streets .

  20. 基于表征视角的旅游目的地形象内涵及其建构过程解析&以丽江古城为例

    An Analysis of the Connotation of Tourism Destination Image and It Constructive Process Based on the Perspective of Representation

  21. 要保持丽江古城风貌必须解决木结构抗震问题。

    In order to keep the style and features of Lijiang , the problems of seismic design must be solved .

  22. 丽江古城位于云南省西北部,1997年被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列入《世界遗产名录》。

    Lijiang Ancient Town is located northwest of Yunnan Province and was added to the world cultural heritage list in1997 .

  23. 中国遗产旅游环境解说系统管理功能的缺失与重构&以丽江古城为例

    On the absence and reconstruction of interpretation system in Chinese Heritage Tourism & A Case Study on Li Jiang City

  24. 四方街是丽江古城心脏,这里是茶马古道上最重要的枢纽站。

    This is the heart of the town which once served as the most important hub on the Ancient Tea Caravan .

  25. 从丽江古城往北四公里,便是被称为清泉之乡的束河古镇。

    Shuhe ancient town named as the town of clean water is4 kilometers far away from the northern Lijiang ancient city .

  26. 著名的旅游目的地&丽江古城拥有种类繁多的非物质文化遗产资源,独具特色,悠久古老。

    As a famous tourist destination , there are many types intangible cultural heritage in the ancient city of Lijiang in Yunnan .

  27. 全球化背景下的民族文化及其发展&以世界文化遗产地丽江古城为例

    Ethnic Cultures and Their Development Under Globalization & A Case of the Old Town of Lijiang as a World Cultural Heritage Site

  28. 他送给我一份他对1996年2月地震的记录的副本。那场地震破坏了丽江古城的大部分。

    He gave me a transcript of his account of the1996 February earthquake that damaged a significant part of Lijiang 's old town .

  29. 以文化生命体的观点审视文化遗产地的可持续发展&以云南丽江古城为例

    Sustainable Development of the Places of Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of the Cultural Unity & the Case of the Ancient Town of Lijiang

  30. 源于羌人的纳西族,骨血深处弥漫着“逐水草而居”的环境情结,于是,在不经意间创造了世界文化遗产丽江古城。

    Naxi people , originated from the Diqiang group have been deeply embedded with the environmental emotion of " residing by the river and weed " .