
  1. 你知道,你认为“优雅”,我却觉得她为自己鼓掌有点怪怪的。

    You know , you think " graceful . " I find it odd that she clapped .

  2. 那个在洗手间和儿子孤独抽泣的人,如今却在涌动的人潮中为自己鼓掌喝彩;

    The man weeping in solitude with his son back in a man 's room is now applauding only for himself among the mass of walking crowd .

  3. 现实是,只能让泪水流回心里,只能在所有寂寞的时光里,听自己歌唱,为自己鼓掌。

    The reality is that only let their hearts back tears , only time where all the lonely , to listen to their singing , clapping for themselves .

  4. 学习的旅途注定是孤单的,可是要学会用寂寞的时光为自己鼓掌,用旅途的孤单来收获成长。

    Although the journey of learning is destined to be lonely process , all we need to do is to win the applause of ourselves and make this loneliness the step to harvest the shaping of ourselves .

  5. 祝贺你们请为你们自己鼓掌

    Congratulations . Yes , give yourselves a round of applause , please

  6. 如果你是前者请为你自己鼓掌吧,可以感受到幸福的女人是最适合结婚的女人。

    Those wo feel happy life in love suit the marriage most .

  7. 她站起来,为她自己鼓掌。

    She got up and clapped for herself .

  8. 球迷们为自己的球队鼓掌喝彩。

    The fans applauded their team .

  9. 请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。

    Give yourselves a big round of applause .