
  • 网络series compensation
  1. 串补的出现改变了原有输电线路参数均匀分布的特性,也使得潜供电流参数发生变化。

    Series compensation changes the characteristic of the parameter distribution evenly of the original transmission line .

  2. 随着电力系统传输容量的扩大,串补技术将得到广泛的应用。

    With augmenting power grid transmission capacity , the series compensation technology will be adopted in general use .

  3. 可控串补电容器非线性H∞鲁棒控制器的设计

    The Design of Nonlinear H_ ∞ Robust Controller for Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator

  4. MATLAB软件在串补电容器型式试验检测系统中的典型应用

    Typical Application of MATLAB Software Used in the Measurement System of Type Test of the Series Capacitor

  5. 经试验表明,GE百色串补保护装置的大部分保护功能正常。

    The test result shows that most function of GE Baise series capacitor compensation protection equipments can act normally .

  6. 可控串补(TCSC)本体保护原理、配置及实现研究

    The study in protection theory , disposition and realization of TCSC device

  7. 可控串补(TCSC)的动态特性及其相关的过电压现象研究

    Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of TCSC and the Associated Over-Voltage Phenomena

  8. TCC方式和TCR方式可控串补的控制特性仿真研究

    Simulation Study on Control Characteristics of TCC and TCR Controlled Series Compensation

  9. 包含电抗器支路电阻的可控串补(TCSC)特性分析

    Analysis of the characteristics of the TCSC with its reactance branch containing resistance

  10. 关于串补系统SSR问题的特征分析及同步机等值模型的研究

    Eigen-analysis of SSR in Series Compensated System and Study on on Influence of Equivalent Model of Synchronous Machine

  11. 可控串补是一种基于电力电子的新型输电技术,是灵活交流输电技术(FACTS)的一种。

    Thyristor control series compensation ( TCSC ) is one of flexible AC transmission systems ( FACTS ) and devel - oped from fixed series capacitor technology .

  12. 在反馈线性化的基础上,将非线性PID理论应用到可控串补(TCSC)的控制器设计中。

    The nolinear PID control is used to design the TCSC ( Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor ) controller based on feedback linearization .

  13. 同步信号及电路参数对可控串补(TCSC)动态特性的影响

    The Effect of the Synchronizing Signal and the Circuit Data on the Dynamic Characteristics of TCSC

  14. 串补系统稳态计算中基于谐波分析的MOV线性模型

    A New MOV Linearized Model Based on Harmonic Analysis for Series Compensation

  15. 装机容量愈大,输电距离愈长,要求串补度愈高,SSR的危害愈严重。

    With the increment of installed capacity , transmission distance and series compensation level , the damage of SSR will be more serious .

  16. 文章对基于广域测量信号的可控串补(ThyristorControlledSeriesCompensator,TCSC)系统进行了分析,建立了基于广域测量的TCSC系统模型。

    The authors analyze the wide-area measurement signal based thyristor controlled series compensator ( TCSC ) system , establish a TCSC system model based on wide-area measurement .

  17. 分段串补控制保护系统的RTDS仿真技术及其应用

    RTDS based Simulation Technology for 2-Sections Series Compensation Control and Protection System and Its Application

  18. 基于Hilbert-Huang变换和神经网络的带串补高压输电线路故障测距

    Fault Location for High Voltage Transmission Lines With the Series Compensation Capacitor Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform and Neural Network

  19. 基波阻抗和触发角的关系是可控串补(TCSC)底层触发控制的关键所在。

    The relationship of the fundamental-frequency impedance and the firing angle is the key factor in firing control of TCSC .

  20. 采用IEEESSR第一标准测试系统模型,将其中部分固定串补电容改造为TCSC。

    The study system is modified from the first IEEE SSR benchmark model by changing a part of the fixed series capacitor to TCSC .

  21. 用EMTP程序对西北系统作了大量频率特性的计算,得出了关于西北330千伏主网高串补下次同步谐振可能性的判断。

    The judgement on SSR possibility of 330 kV Northwest network with high series-capacitor compensation is available .

  22. 用TNA模拟试验研究可控串补控制器

    The controller design for TCSC TNA simulation

  23. 可控串补(TCSC)动态建模是暂态特性分析和控制策略研究的基础。

    Dynamic modeling for Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation ( TCSC ) is the base to study the transient characteristic and control strategies .

  24. 价值工程在500kV串补站方案优化中的应用

    Application of Value Engineering in Optimization of 500 kV Series Compensation Station

  25. 丰万顺串补与大房线500kV串补站串补保护触发回路

    Protective Trigger Circuits of Feng-Wan-Shun and Datong-Fangshan Line 500 kV Series Compensation Equipment

  26. 万全500kV串补设备系统的控制功能及应用

    Control Function and Application of 500 kV Series Compensation Equipment System in Wanquan

  27. 500kV长距离输电线路串补稳控分析

    Analysis to Compensated Stable Control Engineering of 500 kV Long Power Transmission Line

  28. 对不同的故障角和过渡电阻的ATP仿真以及MATLAB程序分析结果验证,该方法能够判断出故障与区间串补电容的相对位置。

    ATP ( alternative transients program ) simulation programmed with MATLAB on different fault phase angles and transient resistances indicates that the method is able to identify the position relative to the series compensators .

  29. 神保500kV线路串补装置的保护配置及整定原则

    Principle of Series Compensation Protection Equipments Disposition and Setting in Shen-bao 500 kV Transmission Line

  30. 最后在仿真研究中,挖掘了TCSC与常规固定串补的不同表现。仿真结果表明TCSC对SSR确实起着积极的抑制作用。

    Finally , the different behaviors between fixed series capacitor and TCSC are presented through simulation , and the results show TCSC 's positive effect on SSR .