
zhōng jiān zhí
  • median
中间值[zhōng jiān zhí]
  1. 这些CEO的正常年俸的中间值大概在61万美元,虽然他们放弃了这笔钱,但却获得了价值超过200万美元的递增股权奖励。

    The $ 1 CEOs gave up a median of $ 610,000 in annual wages , but they gained more than $ 2 million in incremental options awards .

  2. 几乎不用怀疑平均值和标准偏差会收到异常值存在的影响,而中间值和IQR所受到的影响则较小。

    There is no doubt that both the mean and standard deviation are effected by the presence of outliers , while the median and IQR are much less impacted .

  3. 我需要计算的中间值的名称带有“get”前缀,从而推导出方法名。

    The names of the intermediate values that I needed to compute were prefixed with " get " to derive the method name .

  4. 从对称分布来看,分布在中间值上面的与下面的差不多是相等的,最可能的值,即mode,是与中间值相等的。

    In a symmetrical distribution , values are equally likely to fall above the mean as below it , and the most likely value , the mode , is equal to the mean .

  5. Z处于中间值时,发生连续动态再结晶;

    Continuous dynamic recrystallization occurs when parameter Z is intermediate , and discontinuous dynamic recrystallization takes place if parameter Z is low .

  6. 每个线程,处理器或者系统在独立的“桶”上执行Map()函数,去计算基于每个逻辑记录处理的一系列中间值。

    Each thread , processor , or system executes the map () function on a separate bucket to calculate a set of intermediate values based on the processing of each logical records .

  7. 中间值通过迭代器(一种可以让程序员遍历所有集合元素的对象,忽略其具体的实现)提供给用户的Reduce函数。

    The intermediate values are supplied to the user 's Reduce function via an iterator ( an object that allows a programmer to traverse through all the elements of a collection regardless of its specific implementation ) .

  8. 不过一旦该国货币兑欧元汇率稳定下来,就可以考虑设定一个现实的汇率中间值加入ERMII,同时放宽汇率波动幅度限制。

    Once the exchange rate against the euro had settled down , joining the ERM II at a realistic central rate with more generous band margins could be considered .

  9. 此外,此次的股票发行规模也扩大了25%,达到了共4.21亿股股票,以预期定价区间的中间值计算,此次IPO的规模将达到150亿美元。

    In addition , the size of the offering has been expanded 25 % , to 421 million shares , making for a $ 15 billion offering at the mid-point of the anticipated pricing range .

  10. 本文的模板更新算法充分利用了MeanShift算法和Kalman滤波器的中间值,算法的复杂度没有变高。

    The template update algorithm in this paper makes full use of the intermediate value of Kalman filter and Mean Shift , so that the complexity of the algorithm is not increased . Template update algorithm improves the robustness of original algorithm .

  11. Facebook将其IPO发行价定在28至35美元区间,如果最终价格取中间值的话,Acce所持有的股票将价值超过47亿美元。

    If the social network prices its IPO in the middle of its proposed $ 28 - $ 35 range , the position would be worth more than $ 4.7 billion .

  12. 给出当积分区间长度趋于无穷且∞∫af(x)dx收敛的情况下,积分中值定理的中间值的渐进性质。

    The asymptote behavior of intermediate point in the mean value theorem for integrals is given , as the length of integral immoral tends to infinite and ∫ ~ ∞ _af ( x ) dx is convergence .

  13. 该算法采用以线电压作为中间值的方法对输出电压矢量及其作用时间进行计算,采用大小开关状态相结合的方法对脉冲宽度调制(PWM)脉冲进行输出。

    In the algorithm , the line voltages are introduced as the intermediate elements to calculate the voltage vectors and their operating time in a control cycle , with a new PWM pattern used to generate the pulses by alternatively selecting large and small voltage vectors .

  14. 广义微分中值定理中间值的渐近性公式

    Asymptotic Formula of Intermediate Value in Generalized Mean Value Theorem

  15. 但是,模糊逻辑的国家的变量可以中间值。

    But fuzzy logic states that the variable could have intermediate values .

  16. 应由中间值和四分位范围作为位置的度量手段

    Applying the median and interquartile range as measures of location

  17. 第一周他克莫斯软膏的使用量的中间值为31.2克。

    Median tacrolimus ointment use was31 · 2 g during the first week ;

  18. 关于积分中值定理的中间值的渐进性质

    The asymptote behavior of intermediate point in the Mean Value Theorem for integrals

  19. 对他来说,要么就是全部,要么就是没有,就像数字计算机的脉冲一样,没有中间值。

    It was all or nothing , like the pulses of the computer .

  20. 关于积分中值定理中间值的探讨

    On the Middle Value of Integration Middle Value Theory

  21. 关于定积分中间值问题的讨论

    Discussion on Problems of Median of Definite Integral

  22. 文中提出两种方法来处理:中间值方法和修正值方法。

    Two different methods are proposed : middle value method and correction factor method .

  23. 我们来设置一个中间值。

    And we 'll put an intermediate value .

  24. 本文推荐的量度中间值为4.47%或1/22。

    The measure recommended here has an intermediate value of4.47 % , or1 in22 .

  25. 结果留守儿童人格特征各个维度的平均值处于中间值范围;

    Results The score of children 's personality average value is in the middle range ;

  26. 他们从最后或者程序的,开始处去取测试需要的中间值。

    And they 'll test an intermediate value near the end or near the beginning .

  27. 一种方法是用公差的中间值作为终点坐标的尺寸编程;

    One of them is dimension programming with tolerance median as the end-point coordinate value .

  28. 积分第二中值定理中间值的渐近性

    Asymptotic Properties for the " Middle Point " of the Second Mean Value Theorems of Integral

  29. 数学类的大部分类开发工作都涉及到计算中间值和汇总值。

    The majority of the class-development work for a mathematical class involves computing intermediate and summary values .

  30. 以新定价区间的中间值计算,这家电子商务巨头市值将达到1655亿美元。

    That would value the e-commerce giant at $ 165.5 billion at the midpoint of the new range .