
  • 网络chinese banks;chinese commercial banks
  1. 中资银行资产业务现状及加入WTO的对策

    The Current Situation of Chinese Commercial Banks on Assets Services and the Tactics for the WTO

  2. 微观策略是指各中资银行根据自身业务发展的实际情况所采取的具体入世对策。

    The microcosmic tactics means the concrete countermeasures adopted by Chinese commercial banks according to the actual conditions .

  3. 加入WTO后,中资银行面临外资银行强大的竞争,该怎样才能立于不败之地?

    After entering WTO , how will our home-bank overcome powerful foreign bank ?

  4. 中国已加入WTO,四年后外资银行将享受与中资银行同等待遇。

    China has been joined WTO , so foreign banks will share the equality right in the four years .

  5. 加入WTO后,外资银行开始逐渐进入中国,给中资银行在发展中间业务方面带来了机遇,同时也带来了挑战。

    After entering the WTO , many foreign banks swarm into mainland , which induces both opportunity and challenge for Chinese commercial banks .

  6. 入世进入后过渡期中资银行发展趋向的思考加入WTO后过渡期:中国银行业的应对

    The Thought On the Develop Trend of Chinese Bank after China Joined WTO How Chinese Banking Sector to Cope With the Post-accession to WTO

  7. 徽商银行融资额达到13亿美元,是自重庆农村商业银行(ChongqingRuralCommercialBank)2010年在香港上市以来中资银行最大的一宗IPO。

    At $ 1.3bn , the Huishang deal is the largest by a Chinese lender since Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank listed in the city in 2010 .

  8. 昨日,徽商银行(HuishangBank)股价小幅上涨。三年来最大的中资银行首次公开发行(IPO)开始交易。

    Shares in Huishang Bank recorded a modest rise yesterday , as trading began in the biggest Chinese banking initial public offering for three years .

  9. 此次的交易标志着,工行、中国银行(BankofCHina)、中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)等大多数中资银行抛弃了早先的战略,集中精力在英开展公司银行及零售银行业务。

    The deal marks a departure from a previous strategy by most Chinese banks such as ICBC , Bank of China and China Construction Bank to mostly concentrate on corporate and retail banking in the UK .

  10. 中国警方以涉嫌经济犯罪为由,拘捕了广东发展银行(GuangdongDevelopmentbank)的两名高管。花旗集团(Citigroup)拥有这家中型中资银行20%的股份。

    Police have detained two senior executives from Guangdong Development Bank , a mid-sized Chinese lender in which Citigroup owns 20 per cent , on suspicion of economic crimes .

  11. 伯恩斯坦研究公司(bernsteinresearch)驻香港分析师麦克沃纳(mikewerner)表示,中行等中资银行的动机与西方竞争对手不同。

    Mike Werner , analyst at bernsteinresearch in Hong Kong , says BOC and other Chinese banks have different motivations from Western rivals .

  12. 标准普尔(StandardPoor's)驻北京分析师廖强表示:公司治理是中资银行的主要弱点,十年前如此,今天依旧如此。

    Corporate governance is the major weakness of Chinese banks that was the case a decade ago and it is still the case today , says Liao Qiang , an analyst with Standard Poor 's in Beijing .

  13. 自2001年中国加入世贸组织(WTO)以来,许多外资银行宣布进入我国金融市场,也有数家银行入股中资银行。

    Since China became a member of the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) in 2001 , a number of foreign-banking institutions have announced their intent to enter the Chinese market .

  14. 美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)正在考虑是否在数天内出售其在一家领先中资银行价值80亿美元的股权,以便为其糟糕的资产负债表减轻一些压力。

    Bank of America is weighing the sale of an $ 8bn stake in a leading Chinese bank within days in a move that would relieve some of the pressure on its battered balance sheet .

  15. 中国加入WTO以后,中资银行普遍开办了个人理财业务,这对中资银行积极参与国际竞争将起到积极作用。

    After China entering WTO , almost all state commercial banks have run personal financing operation . And it plays an active role for state commercial banks to participate in international competition .

  16. 从今年3月开始,近百年历史的伦敦黄金定盘价(LondonGoldFix)将被取代。新的替代机制有望吸引至少11个成员的支持,其中首次包括了中资银行。

    The replacement for the near-century-old London gold fix will start in March , with the hope of attracting at least 11 members , including Chinese banks for the first time .

  17. 分析师表示,目前中资银行基本上都能达到新近通过的《巴塞尔协议iii》中更加严格的资本要求,而且从中国的实际情况看,这些规则收紧基本上是无关的。

    Analysts say Chinese banks already mostly meet the more stringent rules of the recently agreed Basel III capital requirements and that these are largely irrelevant in the China context .

  18. 据伦敦金银市场协会(LondonBullionMarketAssociation,简称LBMA)主管的说法,几家中资银行对参与全球新的白银定价机制表示了兴趣。

    Several Chinese banks have expressed interest in participating in the new global price setting mechanism for silver , according to the head of the London Market Bullion Association .

  19. 上周,中国建设银行(CCB)成为首家在伦敦发行人民币计价债券的中资银行。

    Last week , China Construction Bank became the first Chinese bank to issue a bond denominated in renminbi in London .

  20. 自汇丰(HSBC)和渣打(StandardChartered)去年5月成为发行人民币计价债券的首批银行以来,新加坡的人民币债券发行在中资银行的带领下有所增长。

    Since HSBC and Standard Chartered became the first banks to issue bonds denominated in renminbi in May last year , renminbi issuance in Singapore has grown , led by Chinese banks .

  21. 澳大利亚矿商FortescueMetals昨日表示,它未能在自我设定的最后期限之前,与一个中资银行银团谈妥60亿美元的融资方案。

    Fortescue Metals yesterday said it had failed to meet a self-imposed deadline to agree a $ 6bn financing package with a Chinese banking syndicate .

  22. 中资银行面对的主要问题是,英国金融服务管理局(FSA)不让它们在伦敦设立分行。

    Chinese banks ' main problem is a refusal by the Financial Services Authority to allow them to set up branches in London .

  23. 在怡富资产管理公司(JFAssetManagement)旗下位于香港的怡富中国基金(JFChinaFund)管理着约30亿美元的HowardWang说,中资银行股是令人惊讶地实现了收益上涨的版块之一。

    Chinese bank stocks are'one group where earnings have surprised on the upside , 'says Howard Wang , who manages about $ 3 billion for JF Asset Management 's JF China Fund in Hong Kong .

  24. 花旗私人银行(citiprivatebank)亚太优选投资(managedinvestment)主管罗杰培根(rogerbacon)表示,尽管经验不足,但中资银行仍打算进军新加坡等市场。

    Roger Bacon , head of Asia Pacific managed investments at Citi private bank , says that , in spite of their lack of sophistication , they are still looking to push further into markets like Singapore .

  25. 普华永道(pwc)的一项调查显示,来自中资银行的竞争压力已逐渐超越监管因素,成为在华外资银行面临的最大挑战。

    Competition from domestic lenders has edged ahead of regulation as the biggest challenge for foreign banks operating in China , according to a PwC survey .

  26. 根据渣打银行(StandardCharteredPLC)的数据,中小型中资银行目前约20%的融资来自银行间市场,2012年前该比例仅为10%-15%。

    According to Standard Chartered PLC , a U.K. bank , about 20 % of small and medium-size Chinese banks ' funding currently comes from the interbank market , up from between 10 % and 15 % prior to 2012 .

  27. 由于海外扩张速度较慢,中资银行短期内不会对花旗集团(Citigroup)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)等国际银行巨头构成任何竞争威胁。

    Because they are expanding abroad so slowly , Chinese banks do not pose any sort of competitive threat to the Citigroups or JPMorgans of this world for the time being .

  28. 包括中国工商银行(icbc)和中国银行(boc)在内的中资银行有着广泛的分行网络,并在近几年显著改善了客户服务和产品范围。

    Local banks including industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of China have extensive branch networks and have improved customer service and product ranges significantly in recent years .

  29. 在我国加入WTO保护期即将结束时,总结人世以来的经验教训,尽快提高中资银行竞争水平,为中外资银行创造公平竞争的环境十分必要。

    At the end of the protection period after China 's entry into WTO , it is necessary to review those experiences in the past few years in order to enhance local banks ' competitive ability and creates an environment for a fair competition between local and foreign banks .

  30. 中国工商银行(ICBC)、中国建设银行(CCB)、中国农业银行(ABC)等中资银行,都在世界上市值最大、利润最高的银行之列。

    Chinese lenders such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China are the largest in the world in terms of market capitalisation and have the biggest profits .