
  1. 行业观察者说,中海集运环球号世界第一的称号可能不会长久。

    Industry watchers say the CSCL Globe is unlikely to retain its world ' s-biggest title for long .

  2. 12月8日周一,这艘全新的中海集运环球号离开上海港驶往欧洲,开始了它的首航。

    On Monday , December 8 , the newly-christened CSCL Globe left port in Shanghai en route to Europe on its maiden voyage .

  3. 但中海集运“环球号”绝不仅仅是一艘巨轮而已。

    But the CSCL Globe is more than just a really , really big ship .

  4. 行业观察者说,中海集运“环球号”世界第一的称号可能不会长久。

    Industry watchers say the CSCL Globe is unlikely to retain its world 's-biggest title for long .

  5. 像中海集运“环球号”这样尺寸的船已经无法通过巴拿马运河,而以目前的设施水平,美国东海岸和西海岸的港口也都无力接纳这样的船只。

    Ships the size of the CSCL Globe are too large to fit through the Panama Canal , and neither East nor West Coast U.S. ports are equipped to handle them anyway .