
  • 网络Central Port;Centre Port;Hub Port
  1. 最后,在港口体系结构分析的基础上提出了港口定位的建议:长沙港将发展成为港口体系的区域中心港,集装箱码头将是长沙港今后建设的主流;

    Last , the author draws the conclusions that Changsha port is the center port of port system , and container terminal will be builded on Changsha port in future ;

  2. 奉化是我国著名的风景旅游胜地,本地工业经济发达,奉化中心港是奉化市的重要内河港口,位于市中心区域,承担奉化水路货物的中转任务。

    Fenghua is the famous scenery tourist attraction of our country , where the local industrial economy is developed . Fenghua harbour , an important inland river port , lies in the area of city center , and undertakes the task of transferring the land and water goods in Fenghua .

  3. 上海国际航运中心洋山港一期工程北围堤设计

    The Embankment Design for the First - Phase Yangshan Port Project of Shanghai International Shipping Center

  4. 三角洲两侧的大鹏湾、大亚湾及上、下川岛建设地方中心深水港和专用深水港;

    Secondly , the Yamen waterway can be exploited to build central and special-purpose ports for the west part of the delta area .

  5. 本文以上海代表的购物中心&港汇广场为例,主要研究了租户满意度测评体系及其在购物中心上的实证应用。

    The article takes the representative of the shopping mall & Shanghai Grand Gateway , to study the tenant satisfaction measurement system and its empirical application in the shopping mall .

  6. 由于受港航条件的制约,集装箱运输已受到限制,上海国际航运中心洋山港的建设将进一步确立上海国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心的地位。

    Due to the condition of the harbor , the container transportation has been restricted . The establishment of Shanghai international transportation center Yangshan Harbor will reinforce Shanghai ` s position as international economic , financial , commercial center .

  7. 其中一个度假村是五星级的蜃景喜来登度假酒店(SheratonMirage)。这家酒店曾以其巨大的游泳池、高尔夫球场、船坞和迷你购物中心帮助道格拉斯港在1987年荣登上旅游地图。

    One property the five-star Sheraton Mirage helped put Port Douglas on the tourist map in 1987 with its giant swimming pool , golf course , marina and mini shopping mall .

  8. 中心供所有港大学生使用。

    The centre is open to all HKU students .

  9. 华南港口物流中心&广州港的发展前景

    The prospect of Guangzhou Port & the largest integrated hub port in South China

  10. 香港积极参与国际活动,巩固了国际金融贸易中心和自由港的地位。

    Active participation in international activities has enabled the HKSAR to maintain its status as an international financial and trade centre as well as a free port .

  11. 本证书由瑞士卡达、瑞士视觉艺术协会委托香港工艺美术协会及香港教学资源中心在本港成立委员会。

    CARAN d'ACHE and the Switzerland Visual Arts Committee authorized the Hong Kong Arts and Crafts Association and the Hong Kong Teaching Resources Center to establish a committee in Hong Kong .

  12. 试论近代连云港城市重心的转移及习俗的演变日照中海船舶物资供应中心位于日照港,北临青岛港,南临连云港。

    On the Shift of the Center of the Modern Lianyungang and the Social Customs Change ; Rizhao Sino-shipping Supply & Service Co. , Ltd Located in Rizhao City , in the south of Qingdao , Shandong province , China .

  13. 港口对滨海城市可持续发展影响的定量评价&以山东省日照市为例日照中海船舶物资供应中心位于日照港,北临青岛港,南临连云港。

    QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECT OF SEA PORTS ON THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF COASTAL CITIES TAKE RIZHAO SEA PORT FOR EXAMPLE ; Rizhao Sino-shipping Supply Service Co. , Ltd Located in Rizhao City , in the south of Qingdao , Shandong province , China .

  14. 文章通过计算,优化方案,采用人造基床作为钢套筒稳桩措施,解决了上海国际航运中心洋山深水港一期工程中码头嵌岩桩的难题。

    With calculations and by optimizing the alternatives , artificial foundation beds are used as a measure to stabilize the steel sleeves , thus solving the difficult problems in building rock-socketed piles for the wharfs for the first phase of Yangshan Deep-water Port for Shanghai International Shipping Center .

  15. 国际航运中心与内陆港互动发展研究

    Research on Interactive Development between International Shipping Center and Inland Port

  16. 内陆港、海湾、小水湾等国际航运中心与内陆港互动发展研究

    A land-locked harbour , bay , inlet , etc Research on Interactive Development between International Shipping Center and Inland Port

  17. 宁波建设上海航运中心南翼国际枢纽港的定位与模式选择

    A Discussion on Orientation and Pattern to Construct Ningbo Port an ITH as a Twin Port of Shanghai International Shipping Centers

  18. 中国国际金融中心崛起与沪港竞合关系分析

    On the Rise of China ′ s International Financial Center & the Competition and Cooperation Relationships between Shanghai and Hong Kong

  19. 若热带气旋中心移近本港,风力便会增强,广泛地区可能会有大雨。

    If the cyclone 's centre comes closer to Hong Kong , winds will increase and rain can become heavy and widespread .

  20. 以及在工业署设立中小型企业服务中心,向本港中小型企业提供综合资讯服务。

    And a Small and Medium Enterprises Office in the Industry Department to provide one-stop information service to our small and medium sized enterprises .

  21. 智经研究中心还呼吁增加港、深两地的人员往来,允许深圳居民享受香港的社会服务。

    The think tank also calls for an increase in human flow and to allow Shenzhen residents to enjoy Hong Kong 's social services .

  22. 年内,该中心继续为本港商界专才、管理人员及培训人员开发管理学习教材,并开办训练课程。

    During the year , it continued to develop management learning materials and deliver training programmes to business professionals , managers and trainers in Hong Kong .

  23. 他说:“比如北京方面希望上海取代新加坡成为最繁忙的国际船运中心,以致上港集团在制定目标时定得过高。”

    Beijing 's desire for Shanghai to overtake Singapore as the world 's busiest port , for example , is likely to have prompted SIPG to overreach when stating its goals ," he said . "