
  • 网络Number of neutrons;Neutron number;A-Z;neutron yield per absorption
  1. 结合已有的实验数据,讨论了奇AAu核中1/2[660](πi13/2)转动带的形变随中子数的变化。

    Properties of the 1 / 2 [ 660 ] (π i13 / 2 ) band in odd - A Au nuclei are discussed with an emphasis on the evolution of deformation while changing the neutron number .

  2. 这表示你可以改变中子数,而不会改变它的化学特性,因为化学特性是由质子决定的。

    This means you can vary the neutron number without changing chemical identity , because chemical identity is fixed by the proton .

  3. 有相同的Z,相同的质子数,但是不同的A,也就是中子数不同。

    They all have the same Z , the same proton number , but different A , which means number of neutrons varies .

  4. 利用密度相关零程对力的相对论连续谱hartreebogoliubov方法,对偶中子数的ca同位素从质子滴线到中子滴线范围内的单∧超核和双∧超核基态性质进行了系统研究。

    Ground state systemic properties of single Λ and double Λ hypernuclei for even N Ca isotopes ranging from the proton drip line to the neutron drip line are studied by using the relativistic continuum Hartree Bogoliubov theory with a density dependent δ pairing interaction .

  5. 它是质子数加上中子数。

    This is sum of protons plus neutrons .

  6. 中子数密度扩散系数

    Diffusion coefficient for neutron number density

  7. 所以,我们可以间接得到中子数,因为我们知道质子数了。

    So we get at the number of neutrons indirectly because we know the proton number here .

  8. 讨论了在一个增殖系统引发一个持续裂变链所需要的平均中子数。

    The average neutron population necessary for sponsoring a persistent fission chain in a multiplying system , is discussed .

  9. 现在,看看中子数,我们要做的,是看到这左上方。

    Now , to get to the number of neutrons , what we do is go up here to the upper left .

  10. 前言:通过原子核内中子数与质子数的差值&中质差,探讨构建“元素立体周期律”的可能性。

    Using the difference between neutron and proton number in atomic nucleus , the " Element 's Periodic Law of Threedimensional ( solid )" is constructed preliminarily .

  11. 同位素:一种化学元素的两个或多个类型,它们的原子核具有相同的质子数,而中子数却不同。

    Isotope : One of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element having nuclei with the same number of protons But different numbers of neutrons .

  12. 按照本文所提出的物理模型,只要计算的中子数足够多,其计算结果可完全在实验误差范围之内。

    Adopting the physics mode given in this thesis , the accuracy of computed results is within experimental errors if the number of computed neutron is large enough .

  13. 氢壳层内部氢和重元素及氦壳层内的中子数和重元素的丰度偏低,而氦元素丰度偏高;

    The abundance of H and heavy element in H-burning shell and neutron density and heavy element in He-burning shell are all reduced , but the abundance of the He is increased ;

  14. 计算结果表明,核弹头裂变产生的较高能的中子数很少,需要较长的时间或较强的低能中子源才能探测到可靠的信号。

    The results of numeral simulation show that the higher-energy neutrons counting rate is quite low , it requires more counting time or much stronger low energy neutron source to detect the reliable signals .

  15. 对国际象棋这样复杂的比赛而言,这种应对方式有其道理。据统计,在仅仅走过三步之后,每位选手就面临900万种可能的棋局。国际象棋中的可能棋局数,超过了宇宙中的中子数。

    Such an approach is logical in a game so complex that players arrive at one of 9m possible positions after just three moves each - and one in which there are more possible unique chess games than neutrons in the physical universe .

  16. 本论文是课题研究成果的结晶,而根据侧重点的不同,大体可以分成四大部分。第一部分,OFDM系统中子载波个数与循环前缀大小的选择。

    The paper is fruit of subject research achievement , and according to the emphases , It is be divided into four parts generally . First , we discuss about the OFDM system subcarrier number and cycle prefix .

  17. 原子核中中子和质子数之和。

    The sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus .

  18. 相对于其他参数组,GL97给出的介子场强度最弱,中子星的相对数密度最大,物态方程也最软,同时采用GL97参数组计算的中子星的最大质量也最小。

    Opposite to other effective interactions , Gl-97 has the weakest meson field potential , the largest neutron population , the softest equation of state and the minimum of maximum mass .

  19. ~(153)Dy高自旋态的能级结构及缺中子Dy核的形状随中子数与自旋态的变化

    Level structure of ~ ( 153 ) dy in high spin states and shape changes with N and I in Dy nuclei

  20. 现在,最后一件事是,因为中子没有净电子,我们可以改变中子数。

    Now the last thing is that because the neutron has no net charge , we can change neutron number .

  21. 中子流动的速度;单位时间内穿越单位面积中子数。

    The rate of flow of neutrons ; the number of neutrons passing through a unit area in unit time .

  22. 如果那是大于1,也就是说我们创造了,更多的中子,在一代里,相对于下一个,中子数增长,裂变速率也一样。

    If it 's greater than one , namely we produce more neutrons in one generation compared to the next the neutron population grows as does the fission rate .

  23. 我们已经使用了一个相对简单的词语,称为,中子的增殖系数,那就是K,如果K等于1,中子数,是稳定的,裂变速率也一样。

    And we 've used a relatively simplistic term called Neutron Multiplication Factor which is the K that if the K equals one the neutron population is steady as is the fission rate .

  24. 难以捉摸的量子力学表明,中子“太多”和“太少”有时会重叠出现,因而一些特定的元素没有稳定的同位素(或称变体,核内中子数不同)。

    And the vagaries of quantum physics mean that " too many " and " too few " sometimes overlap , and there is thus no stable isotope ( or variant , with fewer or more neutrons ) of a particular element .