
  • 网络Central Hostel
  1. 他鼓足勇气,来到百老汇大街,朝百老汇中央旅馆走去

    Summoning all his courage , he crossed to Broadway and up to the Broadway Central hotel .

  2. 他在百老汇中央旅馆没有遇见熟人。

    He had seen no one he knew at the Broadway Central .

  3. 可是,到了百老汇中央旅馆,他却改变了主意。

    When he reached the Broadway central , however , he changed his mind .

  4. 就这样,赫斯渥被安顿在百老汇中央旅馆里,但是没过多久。

    Thus was Hurstwood installed in the Broadway Central , but not for long .

  5. 这是在百老汇中央旅馆里,这家旅馆当时是纽约最重要的旅馆之一。

    This was in the Broadway Central , which was then one of the most important hotels in the city .