
  1. 2021年中央一号文件2月21日发布,提出全面推进乡村振兴,加快农业农村现代化。

    China unveiled its " No. 1 central document " for 2021 on Feb 21 , stressing the efforts to comprehensively push forward rural vitalization and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas .

  2. 作为新农业政策标识的2004年中央一号文件,将在由农业为工业提供积累向工业反哺农业转折的整个历史时期持续发挥作用。

    As a signal of a new agricultural policy , the No.

  3. 目前这个问题已经引起广泛的注意,今年的中央一号文件就是关于三农问题的。

    Today this problem has lead to abroad attention .

  4. 2010年1月31日,中央一号文件发布。

    The Chinese government issued its first policy document on January 31 ( st ), 2010 .

  5. 近5年来中央一号文件都强调我国发展现代化农业的重要性。

    The past five years the central document emphasized the importance of thedevelopment of modern agriculture .

  6. 2004年以来中央一号文件又连续7次把目光聚焦三农。

    Central Document No.1 has thrown another spotlight on rural issues for consecutive 7 times since 2004 .

  7. 以中央一号文件为指导加速发展黑龙江省现代农业

    Accelerate the Development of Modern Agriculture in Heilongjiang Province by Taking Central Document No.1 as the Guidance

  8. 2006&2008年连续三年的中央一号文件都对社会主义新农村建设进行了全面部署。

    2006-2008 for three consecutive years of the Central Document No. 1 is building a new socialist countryside on a full deployment .

  9. 2004年中央一号文件直指农民收入,保护农民权益。

    In 2004 , No. 1 document from the national central government emphasis on the fanner income and protection of the farmer right .

  10. 会上几位同志的讲话也算是中央一号文件,一九八六年一号文件嘛。

    The speeches delivered at that meeting by several comrades should be published as the Central Committee 's Document No. 1 for 1986 .

  11. 改革开放以来,已有11个指导三农工作的中央一号文件相继出台。

    Since the reform and opening up , there are 11 guide " three rural " central " Document " have been introduced .

  12. 为了响应当前形势,2011年国家颁布的中央一号文件,要求今后10年水利投入翻番。

    In response to the current situation , the central government issued a document in the next 10 years into water requirements doubled .

  13. 近年来中央一号文件提出要建设社会主义新农村和发展现代农业,可见农业和农村问题在中国的重要性和紧迫性。

    In recent years , documents No.1 of new socialism countryside and modern agriculture show that agriculture and rural issues are critical in China .

  14. 2006年中央一号文件明确提出大力发展循环型农业,建设社会主义新农村的要求。

    In 2006 , the " Number One " document proposes explicitly the request of developing the recycling agriculture to construct the new socialistic country .

  15. 新生代农民工市民化的问题,在2010年国务院颁布的中央一号文件中被着重的提了出来。

    The issue on the new generation peasant workers ' citizenization was focused in 2010 the State Council promulgated the " Central One document " .

  16. 消息面上,中央一号文件继续关注“三农”,农业股应声而起,相关的化肥、农业机械等也都大涨。

    Boosted by a government announcement that it would spur rural development , agricultural stocks and relevant chemical fertilizer and agricultural machinery sectors took the lead .

  17. 自2004年以来,中央一号文件连续五年对政策性农业保险提出要求。

    Since 2004 , the No. 1 document from the national central government has put forward the requirements of policy agricultural insurance for consecutive five years .

  18. 三农问题是历年中央一号文件关注的焦点,事关建设小康社会的全局。

    " Three dimensional rural issues " is the focus of attention on the No.1 central document in recent years and affects the overall well-off social construction .

  19. 中国今年出台的中央一号文件指出,将推进转基因作物的大规模生产。目前,抗虫害转基因棉花已经在中国实现产业化。

    China wants to push forward with the large-scale planting of genetically modified ( GM ) crops , according to its first policy document of the year .

  20. 由温饱到小康&从中央一号文件看我国农村生产力的解放与发展

    From Adequate Food and Clothing to Moderately Well-Off Society & On Liberation and Development of Rural Productivity in China in Perspective of the No.1 Document of Center

  21. 近年来国家不断加大对农村物流的投入建设,2004&2010年的中央一号文件都从不同侧面提出了加快发展农产品物流的要求。

    Government increase investment to rural logistics continuously in recent years . Government NO.1 File of 2004 to 2010 indicated demand of accelerating produce logistics from diverse aspect .

  22. 新生代农民工这一庞大的特殊社会群体,2010年被首次写入中央一号文件。

    As a huge special social group , the new generation peasant workers have been listed in the first policy document for 2010 for the very first time .

  23. 2011年中央一号文件把水利建设滞后视作影响农业稳定发展和国家粮食安全的最大硬伤。

    The 2011 " central first document " indicates that the lag of water conservancy construction is the maximum mishap affecting the steady development of agriculture and food security .

  24. 2008年~2009年中央一号文件要求,全面贯彻落实《农民专业合作社法》,扶持和加快农民专业合作社发展。

    The NO.1 paper in 2008-2009 ask for a comprehensive implementation of the law of farmers ' professional cooperatives , support and accelerate the development of farmers ' professional cooperative .

  25. 因此,中央一号文件制定和实施的过程就是党在农村经济政策转变的过程,也是党和政府指导农村改革的过程。

    Therefore , The A document formulation and the issue have experienced such process , the party transforming in rural economic policy and guiding the rural reform in the process .

  26. 中央一号文件作为国家纲领性和指导性的文件,所涉及的是中央全年的重点工作,也是当前国家亟需解决的问题。

    The central document as a programmatic and guiding document , is related to the central key work in the year-round , is also the country needs to solve the problem .

  27. 2004年中央一号文件对三农问题的锁定,让我们看到了中央解决三农问题的良好前景。

    One paper in 2004 on the Central " Three Rural Issues " lock , so that we can see that the central settlement of " Three Rural Issues " good prospects .

  28. 对《农业法》中农业投入与支持保护若干规定的分析&兼论2004年中央一号文件的相关规定

    Analysis on Some Regulations Concerning " Agricultural Input and Its Support and Protection " In the State 's Agricultural Law & Commment on Some Regulations of the State 's No.1 Document in 2004

  29. 牵系国计民生的三农问题一直都引起各级政府和社会各界的广泛关注和高度重视,它是近几年来中央一号文件的重要内容。

    Facing to the national economy " three rural issue " has been concerned by levels of government and community , it is the central content of the first document in recent years .

  30. 这五个中央一号文件,在中国三农改革史上成为专有名词&五个一号文件。

    The five Central " No.1 Documents " turned to be " the Five No.1 Documents ", the proper nouns in the history of the reforms for the three agricultural problems in China .