
  • 网络panulirus stimpsoni
  1. 研究表明:中国龙虾雌雄异体,性比约为2:1,生物学最小型为头胸甲长8.4cm左右。

    The studies show that Panulirus stimpsoni ( Holthuis ) have male and female body , that its sex rate is about 2 : 1 , that the smallest one in biology has about 8.4 cm carapace in length .

  2. 龙虾种类很多,南澳海区常见的有中国龙虾、密毛龙虾、杂色龙虾和锦绣龙虾等。

    Many types of lobster , the South China Sea are common lobster , lobster dense hair , mottled lobster and lobster , and so beautiful .