
  1. 王雪称自己所在的组织已同中国饭店协会展开会谈,并就将零鱼翅加入绿色酒店、餐厅的评分机制这一问题进行讨论。

    Her organization has held talks with China Hotel Association and discussed the association adding shark fin free into its scoring system for hotels hoping to gain the Green Hotel or Green Restaurant label , said Wang .

  2. 王雪称自己所在的组织已同中国饭店协会展开会谈,并就将“零鱼翅”加入绿色酒店、餐厅的评分机制这一问题进行讨论。

    Her organization has held talks with China Hotel Association and discussed the association adding " shark fin free " into its scoring system for hotels hoping to gain the Green Hotel or Green Restaurant label , said Wang .

  3. 中国饭店协会有望在短时间内对各大酒店、餐厅下达“鱼翅禁售令”。

    Displays of dried shark fin in hotels and restaurants are expected to soon be banned by the hotel association .

  4. 本届论坛亦得到中国旅游饭店业协会、香港酒店业协会、香港酒店业主联盟与酒店研究院的支持。

    It is also supported by China Tourist Hotels Association , Hong Kong Hotels Association , The Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners and Institute of Hospitality .

  5. 刚刚结束的中国旅游饭店业协会第五届会员代表大会,是新世纪的首次行业盛会,因此受到行业内外的广泛关注,本刊记者对此次大会进行了全程追踪报道。

    The just concluded Fifth Congress of China Tourist Hotels Association is the first grand gathering of the industry in the new century , so it was widely concerned inside and outside the industry . Our journalist has made a through report on the conference .