
  1. 艰苦奋斗是建设有中国特色社会主义现代化建设的必然要求;

    Hard struggle is the inevitable requirement for building the socialist modernization with the Chinese characteristics ;

  2. 这些经验教训的总结,为未来的中国特色社会主义现代化建设提供了借鉴。

    These lessons learned , for the future of the Chinese characteristic socialism modernization to provide reference .

  3. 当代有中国特色社会主义现代化建设事业的蓬勃发展正展示和证明着这个思想的巨大生命力。

    The proporous development of contemporary socialism modernization construction cause with China 's characteristic is showing and proving its giant life-force .

  4. 本文认为,中国特色社会主义现代化建设时期,中国外交思想经历了两次发展变化。

    This paper thinks that the Chinese diplomacy thought went though two developments variety in the Modernization development period of Chinese characteristic socialism .

  5. 三者以马克思主义的社会发展思想为共同的理论基础,内在地统一于中国特色社会主义现代化建设的伟大实践之中。

    And the Marxism is the base of a theory of them , they proceed from socialism with chinese characteristics great modernization driving practice .

  6. 在当前形势下,全新理解和深刻把握社会主义初级阶段理论,对于全面建设小康社会,加快推进有中国特色社会主义现代化建设事业具有重大的意义。

    At present , a creative and profund understanding of this theory has a great significance for the construction of socialism with a Chinese character .

  7. 马克思关于现代社会基本特征的理论,对于我们今天全面推进有中国特色社会主义现代化建设事业,仍然具有重要指导意义。

    Today , Marx 's theory of the basic characteristics on the modern society , has important guiding significance to completely push on the socialist modernization with the China features .

  8. 改革开放以来,随着中国特色社会主义现代化建设事业的深入发展,思想政治教育工作面临很多新情况和新问题,其复杂性、艰巨性日益显现。

    Since the reform and opening up practice , ideological and political education is facing many new situations and new problems , because the socialist modernization and deep development of China .

  9. 党的十七大又进一步对科学发展观的内涵与外延做了系统的阐述,把科学发展观确立为指导中国特色社会主义现代化建设的战略思想。

    Seventeenth Party Congress further the scientific development concept of connotation and denotation to do a systematic exposition of the scientific development concept to guide the establishment of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics of strategic thinking .

  10. 如何兼容并蓄、推陈出新以及持续发展少数民族文化,是构建和谐社会的目标要求,也是中国特色社会主义现代化建设的重要内容。

    How to inheritance of tradition and innovate culture of minority nationality is an important content of our country culture construction , and also an critical condition for construction of harmonious society and socialism modernization construction with Chinese characteristics .

  11. 改革开放以来,我们党在领导人民进行中国特色社会主义现代化建设的过程中所取得的良好绩效,又进一步巩固了党的权威地位。

    Since reform and opening-up , the good performance made during the process of leading of the people to carry on socialist modernization construction of the distinctive Chinese characteristics , have consolidated the authoritative position of the party further .

  12. 如何应对文化不自觉,培育清醒的现代性意识,促进中国特色社会主义现代化建设以轻快的步伐前行,仍然是当代中国不能不面对的一个现实的理论课题。

    How to cope with cultural unconsciousness and to foster clear-headed consciousness of modernity to make the modernization of socialist with Chinese characteristics advancing ahead is still a practical theoretic issue of the day China has to face forward .

  13. 青年干部,是党和国家的未来和希望,是中国特色社会主义现代化建设的主要力量,更是中华民族实现繁荣富强的关键。

    Young cadres is not only the future and hope of the party and the state and the major force in the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics , but also is the key to a strong and prosperous Chinese nation .

  14. 两论回答了什么是初级阶段的社会主义和在初级阶段怎样建设社会主义的根本问题,是推进21世纪中国特色社会主义现代化建设的行动指南。

    These two theories answer the basic questions of what is socialism at primary stage and how to construct socialism in the primary stage and they are the guide of action in China 's construction of socialism with special features in the 21st century .

  15. 通过对学生教育,提高他们的思想政治素质,引导他们端正入党动机,确立正确的政治信仰,对于建设中国特色社会主义现代化建设具有重大而深远的战略意义。

    Through the education of students , improve their ideological and political quality , guide them to correct motivation of joining the CCP , establish correct political belief , for the construction of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics is of great and far-reaching strategic significance .

  16. 党的十七大报告,把和谐社会的构建全面融入,掀开了中国特色社会主义现代化建设发展的新篇章。

    Then in the Seventeenth Committee of the Party , it was reported that the construction of a " harmonious society " has been fitted into the building of the socialistic society , which has started a new chapter of a construction and development of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics .

  17. 在全球化汹涌发展的时代,中国特色社会主义现代化建设必须毫不动摇地以三个代表重要思想为根本指导,积极主动地融入世界,融入全球化的潮流之中。

    In the times when globalization is forging ahead , it is necessary to adhere to the important ideology of " Three Represents " as the essential guiding principle , to take initiative to merge into the world and the trend of globalization to construct socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics .

  18. 研究这个历史轨迹,对我们探索有中国特色的社会主义现代化建设道路不无启迪。

    Studying this history orbi t , it has enlightening to us to built the China characteristic socialism .

  19. 特别是对有中国特色的社会主义现代化建设提供一些有益的启示和促进社会主义工业经济发展有着现实的意义。

    Especially for has the Chinese characteristic socialism modernization provide some beneficial enlightenment and promote socialist industrial economic development has practical significance .

  20. 建立和完善新型的社会保障制度,对社会主义市场经济发展具有重要作用,必将推动有中国特色的社会主义现代化建设和改革开放事业的发展。

    Establishing and consummating a new social guarantee system will play an important role in the development of our socialist market economy and is sure to promote our socialist modernization construction and reform and opening cause .

  21. 我国教育界为了适应时代的飞速发展和有中国特色的社会主义现代化建设的需要,明确提出教育应由应试教育向素质教育转变。

    The field of education in our country put forward that the education should be changed from " examination-oriented education " to " quality-oriented education ", for the sake of the need to adapt the developmental epoch and the move of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristic .

  22. 所以,构建社会主义和谐社会也必然是我国改革发展的战略组成部分,并要求我们从经济、科教、生态、政治和文化诸方面来推进中国特色社会主义现代化的建设。

    Therefore , building a socialist harmonious society in China must be part of a strategy of reform and development , and asked us from the economic , scientific , educational , ecological , political and cultural aspects to promote the construction of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics .

  23. 旧中国国情的封建主体性直接影响到中国特色社会主义及现代化建设。

    The dominant feature of feudalism in the national situation of the old China directly affected the socialism with Chinese characteristics and China 's modernization construction .