
  1. 中国消防行业ODS淘汰中的招标体系设计

    Bidding System Design for ODS Phaseout in Chinese Fire Protection Sector

  2. 2005年中国消防事业发展预测。

    A development forecast of china 's fire protection industry in2005 .

  3. 中国消防工程学科建制化问题的探讨

    The studies of institutionalization for the discipline of the fire protection engineering

  4. 中国消防工程及其21世纪的前景

    Fire Fighting Engineering and Its Prospects in the New Century

  5. 学科建制化视角下的中国消防工程学科

    Fire Fighting Engineering under the View of Discipline Institutionalization

  6. 中国消防技术发展的动力分析

    Development of fire protection technology in China

  7. 面对全球一体化的新形势,中国消防产品企业如何抓住机遇,应对挑战?

    To face the new situation of globalization , Chinese enterprises to seize the opportunity to fire products , meet the challenge ?

  8. 对中国消防现代化进行系统地研究,对于促进消防事业的发展,提高社会抗御火灾风险及处置紧急事故的能力具有重要作用。

    It is of significance to guarantee successfully the socialist modernization to make a systematic study on modernization of Chinese fire control .

  9. 上海加速社会消防职业化进程社会需求与中国消防技术的发展

    The China FOR THE FIRE CORPORATION The Historical View about the Development of the Technology of Fire Protection and the Social Requirements

  10. 就中国消防产品科技创新发展的问题,从建立完善新机制方面进行了深入探讨。

    The article on China 's science and technology innovation and development of fire protection products , from the establishment of new mechanisms to improve the depth .

  11. 中国核电消防标准建设模式与途径研究

    Study on Construction Mode and Way of Fire-protection Standard for Chinese Nuclear Plant

  12. 中国的消防,同大多数国家不同,实行的是现役制的消防体制。

    The fire fight of China , together majority nation dissimilarity , practice of is current make of fire fight system .

  13. 华界救火联合会的横空出世,与租界火政的竞争与包融,使得中国近代消防瓜熟蒂落。

    The born of Chinese Fire Federation , and the competition and integration with the fire administration in concessions , making China 's modern fire ripened .

  14. 而天一阁算得上是一部中国古代藏书楼消防设计与管理的教科书。

    And " pavilion of it " Regarded as an ancient collected books floor design for fire protection and textbook of management of China .

  15. 中国古代建筑的消防功能是目前对徽派建筑研究的又一新课题。

    In the research of the Hui-style architectures , it is a new subject to study on the fireproof functions of the Chinese ancient architecture .