
  • 网络china education newspaper
  1. 《中国教育报》素质教育大讨论综述

    Overview on the Quality Education Discussion Organized by China Education Newspaper

  2. 2005年年底,《中国教育报》举办全面贯彻党的教育方针,切实推进素质教育大讨论,参与讨论的范围很广,层次较高;

    At the end of 2005 , China Education Newspaper organized a discussion with the topic of Pursue Party 's educational policy thoroughly , Promote quality education conscientiously . The scope of discussion is wide and the level is high .

  3. 《中国教育报》曾在人格教育的讨论中指出:人格教育的漠视,乃是中华民族的最大忧患。

    Education of China has ever told about the personality education that the ignoring of the personality education is the most serious suffering of China .

  4. 1993年,在计算机普及教育版的基础上创办《中国电脑教育报》。

    In1993 , China computer education was launched based on the column of computer education for all .