
  1. 数据显示,中国创业投资行业的地域分布近些年开始显现西进的态势,西部地区的投资项目数量和投资额的年复合增长率正在逐年增长。

    The data show that the trend of " going west " of the geographical distribution of the Chinese venture capital industry is becoming apparent in recent years . The number of investment projects and investment compound annual growth rate in western region is increasing year by year .

  2. 要进一步增强OFDI对TFP的促进作用,除逐步建立有利于传导变量发挥作用的机制外,中国OFDI在投资行业和地区选择上,也应作出有针对性的战略调整。

    In addition to the gradual creation of an enabling role variable transmission mechanism , China should make a specific strategy adjustments investment industry and region to further enhance the promotion of OFDI on TFP .

  3. 本文利用波特的PESTEL和SWOT模型来分析中国发展风险投资行业的优势和劣势,再结合宏观及微观的分析,提供一些未来发展的建议。

    This thesis use Porter s PESTEL and SWOT analysis to analyze China s strengths and weaknesses in developing its venture capital industry . From a macro and micro analysis of the China venture capital industry , this thesis will draw some recommendations for the government moving forwards .

  4. 但是对于国际制药公司来讲,在中国投资于此行业的风险是巨大的,只有建立起来一种可靠的管理体系,它们才能获益。

    But for global drug companies , the risks of investing in this industry in China are considerable , and the benefits will only be seen if a dependable regulatory regime can be established .

  5. 中国鼓励外商投资医药行业

    China encourages foreign businesses to invest in pharmaceuticals industry

  6. 中国人是狂热的储蓄者,MatrixServices的罗伯特•阿格纽(RobertAgnew)在最新的中国投资管理行业报告中表示。

    The Chinese people are ferocious savers , said Robert Agnew of Matrix Services in a recent report on China 's investment management industry .