
  • 网络china radio;chinese radio
  1. 中国广播电视学会会员,湖南省作家协会会员。

    He is a member of China Radio and Television Society and Hunan Writers Association .

  2. 中国广播电视设备工业协会

    China Radio and Television Equipment Industrial Association

  3. 不断成长的BIRTV记录了中国广播影视事业蓬勃发展的历史。

    BIRTV has recorded the booming history of radio , film and TV cause of China .

  4. 中国广播媒体市场化经营研究

    The Research on the Management of Chinese Broadcast in the Market

  5. 这些都是摆在中国广播业面前的现实问题。

    These are all realities that Chinese broadcasting must face .

  6. 论中国广播电视大学的系统建设

    On the System Construction of China Radia & TV University

  7. 中国广播电视集团化发展战略探析

    The Probe and Analysis of China 's Broadcast and TV Incorporating Consortium

  8. 中国广播业如何应对新的媒介格局?

    How to cope with the new pattern of media ?

  9. 中国广播真的弱势吗?中国广播业路在何方?

    Where is the direction for Chinese broadcasting 's development ?

  10. 开放大学与现代远程教育之关系再认识&兼谈中国广播电视大学的名称问题

    A Re-Examination of the Relationship between Open Universities and Modern Distance Education

  11. 我们现在向中国广播。

    We are now on the air beaming to china .

  12. 中国广播艺术团民族乐团专业艺术团体传承民族歌舞艺术研究

    China Broadcast Traditional Orchestra A Study on Professional Ensemble Handing Down Folk Dance and Music

  13. 奔向21世纪的中国广播电视

    Cross-century Broadcasting and Television Industry in China

  14. 中国广播电视产业化研究

    Research of Chinese Radio and Television Industrialization

  15. 21世纪中国广播将是数字多媒体广播

    Broadcast in China in the 21 ~ ( th ) Century will be Digital Multimedia Broadcast

  16. 目的研究中国广播电台及广播技术的演变及发展。

    Aim To study the evolution and development of Chinese Radio Broadcast Station and broadcast technology .

  17. 人力资源是现代广播电视业的核心竞争力要素,而人力资源结构的优化及相应政策体系的发展,对入世后的中国广播电视业具有极端重要性。

    Human resource is the core competitive elements of radio and television industry in china nowadays .

  18. 第六章分析了美国广播电视产业重组对中国广播电视业发展的意义。

    Chapter Six analyses the significance of the great change for China 's broadcasting industry developing .

  19. 而在中国广播电视行业中,湖南卫视的品牌经营却可以说是一个奇迹。

    In Chinese broadcast TV industry the brand management of Hunan Satellite Television Station is a miracle .

  20. 改革开放以来中国广播电视人力资源政策研究

    The Study on the Human Resources Policy of Radio and Television from Reform and Openness in China

  21. 中国广播电视音像资料馆工程清水混凝土施工技术措施

    Construction technology measures of as-cast-finish concrete for China Broadcasting and TV video and film material hall project

  22. 在英国有开放大学,性质与中国广播电视大学一样。

    There is the Open University in Britain which is something like Radio and TV University in China .

  23. 其作品曾获“星光奖”、“中国广播影视大奖”。

    Her works won prizes of " Starlight Awards "," China Radio , Television and Film Prize " .

  24. 本研究主要从批评性话语分析的角度研究中国广播广告中的广播语言对社会性别定型的建构作用以及广播广告语言中体现的社会性别特征。

    This research intended to analyze the linguistic devices employed to construct gender stereotypes in Chinese radio advertisements .

  25. 中国广播电视大学的教学质量、理质量已形成了自身鲜明的特色。

    The quality of teaching and management of China Radio & TV Universities has formed its own special features .

  26. 第二部分对建国前中国广播事业发展进行了介绍。

    The second part of the China broadcast before the founding of career development are introduced in this paper .

  27. 此外,还对当代美国广播电视产业重组作了一个总结评论,对中国广播电视业发展提出了建议和愿望。

    Additionally , the thesis sums up the regrouping of America 's broadcasting industry , and puts forward the suggestion and wishes .

  28. 本文结合我国市场经济的大背景,对中国广播的经营问题进行了多层面多角度的探讨。

    This article concerns mainly with the operating issues of the broadcasting in China , under the background of the market economy .

  29. 战略与策略:21世纪中国广播电视大学人才培养模式改革的应对性考察

    Strategies and Tactics : the Responding Review of The Reform of Professionals-Training Mode ? at the Radio and Television Universities in China in 21st Century

  30. 中国广播电视大学经历了30年的探索,形成了体系完整、功能齐全的现代远程开放教育系统。

    Chinese Radio & TV University has experienced 30 years of exploration , formed a complete system , fully functional modern open distance education system .