
  1. 中国县本地电话网的规划和建设

    Planning & Construction of County-level Local Telephone Networks in China Northernmost place in China

  2. 目的验证中国宣威县家庭燃煤炉的改造对慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)发病率的影响。

    Objective To test whether improvement in household coal stoves affected the incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) in Xuanwei County , China .

  3. 超过70个中国较小县(市)不再把国内生产总值(GDP)作为考核政府官员的一项标准,以便将主要精力转向环境保护及减少贫困。

    More than 70 Chinese smaller cities and counties have dropped gross domestic product as a performance metric for government officials , in a bid to shift the focus to environmental protection and reducing poverty .

  4. 中国海岛县产业结构演进特点研究

    Study on the evolvement trait of the island county industry structure in China

  5. 新农村建设视角下中国基层县乡村治理结构

    A Study on China Rural Governing Mode Under the View of New Rural Reconstruction

  6. 中国贫困县的企业年均销售收入在过去五年里实现了两位数的增长。

    The average annual sales revenue of businesses in China 's impoverished counties posted double-digit growth in the last five years .

  7. 在中国古代县制演变中,隋唐是其成熟时期,宋代则是其优化期。

    In the history of the county system of ancient China , Sui and Tang were the mature periods , and Song was the optimizing period .

  8. 所有这些改革均具有重要意义,标志着中国的县行政制度开始摆脱传统而走向现代。

    All these reforms had important significance . It indicates the county administration system of China started to get rid of tradition and move towards the modern .

  9. 首先简单介绍中国凤凰县的旅游业,然后将凤凰旅游文本进行分类,主要包括旅游广告、旅游手册、民族风情介绍和名人介绍四种。

    The author starts from the introduction of tourism in Fenghuang County , Hunan , China , and classifies Fenghuang tourist materials into four types , i.e. tourist advertisements , travel brochures , ethnic folk customs and celebrity introductions .

  10. 中国浙江长兴县煤山二叠-三叠系界线&三叠系底界的全球界线层型剖面点(GSSP)的提案

    Permian - Triassic boundary at Meishan of Changxing county , zhejiang province , china ── a proposal on the global stratotype section and point ( gssp ) for the base of Triassic

  11. 中国北方海岛县经济区及其划分的初步研究

    Economic region and its division in the coastal island counties in North China

  12. 中国中西部46县6~35月龄儿童贫血状况研究

    Study on anemia of 6 ~ 35 months old children in 46 counties of midwestern China

  13. 中国2004年县及县以上医疗机构死亡病例报告质量评价

    Study on the Quality of death-case-reporting-system in county and above levels ' medical institutions in 2004

  14. 中国西部45县农村2005年3岁以下儿童母乳喂养现状调查

    The introduction of breastfeeding in children under age of three in the counties of western China in 2005

  15. 休闲渔港环境规划&以中国台湾花莲县石梯渔港环境改善工程为例

    Landscape Planning for Leisure Fishing Port & The Case Study of Shi-Ti Harbor in Taiwan Hualian County , China

  16. 中国西部40县农村3岁以下儿童喂养状况及影响因素分析

    Analysis of feeding patterns and factors affecting the feeding patterns of children under 3 years old in 40 rural counties in western China

  17. 中国西部农村县、乡、村三级医疗机构合理用药研究评判、竞赛、表演和县级以及州级的市场都允许学生的项目参加。

    Study on Rational Use of Drugs in 3-level Medical Organizations in Rural Areas of Western China ; Judgings , competitions , shows and County and State fairs are all open to the students'projects .

  18. 昆山福沃德机电科技有限公司,坐落于风景秀丽的江南水乡&-昆山,中国经济百强县,东临上海,西接苏州,交通十分便利。

    Kunshan Forward Mechanical and Electrical Technology Co. , LTD , located in the beautiful Kunshan , Chinas economic hundred counties , east of Shanghai , west of Suzhou , the traffic is very convenient .

  19. 中国云南鲁甸县8月3日发生了6.1级地震,已导致数百人丧生,上千名志愿者闻讯赶来,导致公路拥堵,使得官方在派发救援物资以及运送伤员方面面临更大的困难。

    After the 6.1-magnitude tremor struck the county of Ludian , in northern Yunnan province , on Sunday , thousands of volunteers rushed into affected areas , clogging roads and making it harder for authorities to send in supplies and remove the wounded .

  20. 息县是中国历史上县制保存最为悠久的县,更是典型的农业地区,在这里推广的4+2工作法具有典型意义,可以从多层面反映了这种工作法不同效果。

    In history , Xixian is a county that preserves the most glorious county ,, is a typical agricultural areas , here extension " 4 + 2 " methods of working have the typical significance very much , could reflect this method of working different effect from many stratification planes .

  21. 为经济发展注入血液&记中国工商银行中江县支行

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , Zhongjiang County Subbranch

  22. 中国湖南省辰溪县财政局

    " Chenxi County Bureau of Finance , Huanan Province , China "

  23. 中国中原地区随县&安阳剖面深地震测深资料的解释

    On the interpretation of the DSS data of suixian-anyang profile in Central China

  24. 婚姻形式与男孩偏好:对中国农村三个县的考察

    Marriage Form and Son Preference in Rural China : An Investigation in Three Counties

  25. 中国26市(县)4~6岁儿童行为问题的现况调查

    Behavioral Problems of Children Aged 4-6 Years in 26 Cities and Counties in China

  26. 加快农村金融改革步伐积极支持地方经济发展&记中国农业银行绵竹县支行

    Mianzhu Subbranch of Agricultural Bank of China

  27. 增强竞争意识服务农业经济&访中国农业银行中江县支行行长江仕兴先生

    Agricultural Bank of China , Zhongjiang Subbranch

  28. 古路村位于中国四川省汉源县的深山里,这座村鲜为人知。

    Gulu is a little-known village located in mountainous Hanyuan County , Sichuan Province , China .

  29. 中国南北方两县县级医院产科服务现状分析

    Analysis on obstetric services of county hospitals in two counties in southern and northern areas of China

  30. 工厂简介:工厂位于中国陕西省镇坪县,拥有一座黑色板岩矿山。

    Manufactory Profile : Manufactory lies in Zhenping county Shanxi Province , have a black slate mountain .