
  1. 该公司是中国兵器工业集团公司(ChinaNorthIndustriesCorp.)的子公司,自称控制着价值100多亿美元的矿产资源,包括上述缅甸的铜矿和刚果民主共和国的一座钴矿。

    A unit of China North Industries Corp. , Wanbao says it controls more than $ 10 billion worth of mineral resources . , including the Myanmar mine and a cobalt deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  2. 本课题来源于中国兵器工业集团某研究所的内弹道测试项目。

    The task comes from a graduate school of China North Industries Group Corporation .

  3. 中国兵器工业集团公司是国家授权投资的机构和国有资产经营主体。

    CNGC is an investment organization authorized by the State and a performance subject of state-owned assets .

  4. 现在,它与另一个看似不可能的公司成为了合作伙伴:中国兵器工业集团,一家国有武器和机械生产商。

    Now it is cooperating with yet another unlikely partner : a Chinese state-owned arms and machinery producer , the China North Industries Corporation , or Norinco .

  5. 本论文通过分析中国兵器工业总公司江南机器厂产权制度,来探讨我国军工企业有效的产权制度。

    The thesis analyses the property right of Jiangnan Machine Factory ( JNMF ) of Chinese Weapon Industrial General Company to probe into effective property right of Chinese weapon enterprise .

  6. 最后,中国的军事现代化计划反衬出中国国内的兵器工业无法制造出军队所想要的高技术武器系统。

    Finally , China 's military modernization plan has highlighted the inability of the indigenous arms industry in China to produce the advanced technology weapon systems that the military wants .