
zhōnɡ huá quán ɡuó lǜ shī xié huì
  • All-China Lawyers' Association
  1. 第二条中华全国律师协会会员向本协会交纳会费。

    The members of All China Lawyers'Association shall pay membership fees to this Association .

  2. 1986年,中华全国律师协会正式成立,这是新中国第一个全国性的律师自律组织。

    In 1986 , the China National Lawyers Association , the first national self-government organization of lawyers after the founding of New China , proclaimed its establishment .

  3. 値《中国法律》创刊十周年之际,我谨代表中华全国律师协会表示热烈的祝贺。

    On this occasion to mark the10th anniversary of the launch of China Law , I , on behalf of the members of All-China Lawyers'Association , would like to extend warm congratulations .

  4. 中华全国律师协会刑事业务委员会秘书长韩嘉毅称该变革将阻碍律师参与到与检察官或法官的争论之中,这种争论很少会出现在中国法庭之上。

    Han Jiayi , secretary-general of the Criminal Operations Committee of the All-China Lawyers Association , said the changes would further discourage lawyers from engaging in debates with prosecutors or judges , something that is already scarce in China 's courtrooms .