
yā huán
  • servant girl;slave girl;slave(servant) girl;slavey
丫鬟 [yā huán]
  • [slave(servant) girl] 婢女

丫鬟[yā huán]
  1. “说到那神医,还真是好看呢。”四个丫鬟里长得最好看的东珠面露涩然。

    " Make reference to that great physician , return is really agreeable . " Four servant girl precinct chiefs have to the most good-looking Asian bead noodles disclose puckery although .

  2. 看着丫鬟头上的抓髻,他想起了他刚过世的妻子。

    Looking at the servant girl 's hair , worn in two buns , he cannot help thinking of his wife , who passed away recently .

  3. 看她那走路的姿势,两个丫鬟在身后暗叫了一声惨了。

    The sees her that posture that walk , two servant girls at after death dark call a miserably .

  4. 富有之家的千金小姐和丫鬟的分别,只要看态度是否从容雅静,就很容易辨别出来。

    You can always tell a daughter of a well-to-do family from a maidservant by her greater leisureliness and quietness of manner ;

  5. “二人忙住了棋,都欠身道谢,命丫鬟们收了。”

    " The two girls stopped their game to bow their thanks , then ordered their maids to put the gifts away . "

  6. “黛玉忙起身迎上来见礼,互相厮认过,大家归了坐。丫鬟们斟上茶来。”

    " Daiyu hastily rose to greet these cousins , and after the introductions they took seats while the maids served tea . "

  7. “刚至院门前,只见王夫人的丫鬟名金钏儿者,和一个才留了头的小女孩儿站在台阶坡上玩.”

    " On the verandah steps there , Lady Wang 's maid Jinchuan was playing with a girl who had just let her hair grow . "

  8. 游戏介绍:侯门深院里的小丫鬟,今天怎么一个人在玩服装秀呐。

    The game is introduced : little girl Huan of the deep courtyard , how in clothing show of playing with one it will be today .

  9. 著名影视明星吴卓羲和马娅舒带着其新出的电视剧《大丫鬟》前来,与观众、媒体的互动引得了一片叫好声。

    Wu Zuoxi and Ma Shuya , two famous local actors were on site with their new TV soap'Da Yahuan ' , causing a stir among the surrounding audience .

  10. 那些处于底层的丫鬟奴仆过着非人的生活,她们没有任何自由,像物品一样被有钱人赠送买卖。

    Those in the bottom of the Yahuan slaves lived in subhuman life , they do not have any freedom , the same as items donated by the wealthy trading .

  11. “问丫鬟们时,方知往薛姨妈那边闲话去了.周瑞家的听说,便转出东角门至东院,往梨香院来.”

    " On being told by her maids that their mistress had gone to chat with Aunt Xue , she made her way through the east side gate and the east courtyard to Pear Fragrance Court . "

  12. 冯舅爷和一个年轻小伙子领头儿,随后车上是太太跟大丫鬟青霞,青霞怀里抱着一个两岁大的小孩儿。

    The maternal uncle , Feng , and the young boy led the party , followed by the mother , riding with the elder maid , Bluehaze , who was holding a baby of two years old .

  13. 在作者所处的封建社会中,无论是跻身上层的太太小姐还是处于底层的丫鬟奴仆,她们都摆脱不了封建女性的人生悲剧。

    In which the author of the feudal society , whether they are top of the wife or the bottom of the Miss Yahuan slaves , they all could not escape the feudal women 's life tragedy .

  14. 这些物品展示了女方家庭的家境和对新娘的疼爱,大户人家会把丫鬟作为嫁妆让新娘带入新家。

    This procession gave the girl 's family the opportunity to display both their social status and their love for their daughter , and wealthy parents often included serving girls to attend their daughter in her new home .

  15. “这日,那甄家大丫鬟在门前买线,忽听街上喝道之声,众人都说新太爷到任”

    " One day the elder of the two maids was buying some thread at the gate when she heard men shouting to clear the street , and people said the new prefect had arrived to take up office . "

  16. 她早已经过了天真的年岁,但是此刻听着这些旁人丫鬟如此晦涩的说起,她却也难免世俗的觉得心中不是滋味。

    She already behind innocent age , but by the moment hear to these side speaking of of person 's waiter girl such unclear in meaning , but she also unavoidably and worldly feels heart in isn 't a taste .

  17. “周瑞家的不敢惊动,遂进里间来。只见薛宝钗穿着家常衣服,头上只散挽着髻儿,坐在炕里边,伏在小炕桌上同丫鬟莺儿正描花样子呢。”

    " Not wanting to disturb them she went into the inner room where Baochai in a house dress , her hair pinned into a loose knot , was copying an embroidery pattern with her maid Yinger at the low table on the kang . "