
ɡè shù
  • number
  1. 想出一个数,然后乘以二。

    Think of a number and multiply it by two .

  2. 从一至二十中挑选一个数。

    Pick a number from one to twenty .

  3. 6是3、7、8三个数的平均数。

    6 is the mean of 3 , 7and 8 .

  4. 参加你们队,我只能充个数。

    I 'll act as a stopgap on your team .

  5. 但现在有一种看法:科学必须超越仅仅发现天体及计算其个数,必须要描述它们的特征,进一步说明它们的成分和结构。

    But there 's a feeling now that the science has to move beyond just finding and counting worlds - it has to characterise them , to say more about their composition and structure .

  6. 竞争脉冲的个数由us(t)的斜率决定。

    The number of competition pulse are dependent on the slop of us ( t ) .

  7. 空间平面内整点n边形上的整点个数

    The Number of Integral Points on the Integral n-Polygon in a Spatial Plane

  8. 地下水超标项目主要为pH值、氟化物及细菌个数。

    The overweight items of groundwater are pH , fluoride , and bacteria number .

  9. 基于循环Bloomfilter的数据流上不同值个数的估计

    The Estimation of the Number of Distinct Values over Data Streams Based on Circular Bloom-Filter

  10. max属性控制了每个页面中显示的项的个数。

    The max attribute controls the number of entries to display per page .

  11. 基于以上的限制与缺陷,该文提出了一种基于模糊c均值聚类的信源个数检测方法。

    To overcome these drawbacks , an effective , accurate , robust detection method of the number of sources is proposed using the fuzzy-c-means clustering algorithm .

  12. 主基因个数的预测与分子检测的主效QTL个数基本相符。

    The number of major gene are consistent with that of QTLs .

  13. 集成的N沟道功率MOSFET和内置的数字软启动减小了所需的外部元器件的个数,同时抑制了浪涌电流。

    The integrated MOSFET and built-in digital soft-start function reduce the number of external components required while controlling inrush currents .

  14. HB样条零点个数的上界

    Upper Bounds of Zero Numbers of HB Splines

  15. 回归系数b值能够反映不同种类或不同生态型的生长势强弱,可作为野生百合生长势强弱的一个数量化指标。

    Regression coefficient b reflects the growth potential of different species or different ecotypes and it can be a quantity index of the growth potential power of wild lilies .

  16. 首先使用采样数据协方差矩阵的幂(Power)获得噪声子空间的估计,然后对噪声子空间进行OR分解并使用R矩阵估计信源个数,提出了无特征分解的信源个数检测算法&SDWED算法。

    Firstly , the estimation of noise subspace is obtained by the power of covariance matrix and a novel source number detection method without eigen-decomposition is proposed based on QR decomposition .

  17. 该算法可动态地调整聚类个数,根据多维伪F统计量获得最佳聚类数目,实验结果表明该算法聚类质量较好。

    The algorithm can dynamically adjust the clustering number , and get the best number in terms of different multidimensional pseudo F-statistics value .

  18. 先将未知的电流密度分成有旋和无旋两部分,并分别采用Loop基函数和Tree基函数进行展开,展开后的未知数的个数与传统的矩量法相等。

    We represent the unknown currents in terms of its solenoidal and irrotational components and use Loop / Tree basis function as the expansion function , respectively .

  19. Vandermonde行列式的每列(行)是某一个数的不同方幂,且自上而下(自左至右)幂次数由0递增至n?

    Each row ( line ) of the Vandermonde determinant is some number different side power .

  20. 在这种情况下,我发送each消息,以及do和end之间的代码块,并且将范围中下一个数绑定到i参数上。

    In this case , I send the each message with the block of code between the do and end and have the next number in the range bound to the I parameter .

  21. DTC算法致力于同时保证实时和非实时业务的QoS,缩小用户之间的QoS差距,提高系统中满足QoS要求的用户个数。

    The DTC algorithm aims to simultaneously guarantee QoS for real-time and non-real-time services , and increase the number of satisfied users .

  22. 扩大经典式显示,C9结构单元中酚羟基和醇羟基的个数在活化后都有所增加,羰基和羧基数都不同程度地减少了。

    Expanded empirical formulas suggest that , in structure unit of C9 , the numbers of phenol and aliphatic hydroxyl both have increased , while the carboxyl and carbonyl have decreased after hydrogenation .

  23. 但是ICA本身也存在限制,要求输入信号个数大于或等于分离出独立分量的个数。

    But ICA limits the number of input signals equivalent to or more than the number of independent components .

  24. K均值算法的聚类个数K需指定,聚类结果与数据输入顺序相关,而且易受孤立点影响。

    K-means algorithm has some deficiencies . The number K must be pointed and its effectiveness liable to be effected by isolated data and the input sequence of data .

  25. 如何满足目标区域覆盖度且工作节点个数最少的节点集合,是一个NP难问题。

    The problem of computing such minimal active sensor set , which covers the target region completely , is NP-hard .

  26. 该乘法器采用了改进的Booth算法减少部分积的个数;

    In the multiplier unit , we use modified Booth algorithm to reduce the number of partial products .

  27. 然后逐渐减少属性个数,利用Tabu搜索搜寻含有较少属性个数的属性约简。

    Then whether there exists the reduction that has fewer attributes using the Tabu search is examined .

  28. 已有的RAKE接收机特性的衡量方式,即分辨多径个数,只强调RAKE接收机能处理的多径对其性能的影响。

    In another extreme , the measurement of the property of Rake receiver was the number of distinguished multipath .

  29. 若结点之间的通信概率小于1/n(n为社会中结点的个数),社会中不可能存在隐组。

    If the communication probability between nodes is less than 1 / n ( n is the number of nodes in the society ), there is not a hidden group in the society .

  30. 本文首次求出了重量为4(或2〃4)和6(或2〃6)的n元相关免疫布尔函数的精确个数。

    The exact numbers of n-variable Boolean functions with correlational immunity are initially found for the cases of weight 4 ( or 2n-4 ) and 6 ( or 2 ° - 6 ) .