
  • 网络Personal financial services;personal Banking;personal banking services
  1. 从西方商业银行的发展历史来看,个人金融业务产品的创新极大地提高了西方商业银行的竞争力;

    Looking through the developing history of those banks , the innovation of the personal banking business has greatly improved their competitive power .

  2. 首先,与我国商业银行经营思路密切相关,银行体系缺乏对个人金融业务足够的推动;

    Firstly , it 's closely related to commercial banks ' management strategies , as the banking system lacks for enough drive for personal banking business ;

  3. 数据挖掘技术在银行个人金融业务CRM中的应用研究

    Research on Data Mining Technology in Personal Financial Banking CRM

  4. 中国银行GX分行个人金融业务发展研究

    A Study on Bank of China GX Branch 's Individual Financial Business Development

  5. 而作为西南地区城市商业银行领跑者的C银行借成功引进战略投资者的机会,正着力打造个人金融业务,为丰富产品品种,做大做强,势必推出信用卡业务。

    C Bank , as the leader bank of city commercial banks in Southwest China , gets the chance of introducing strategic investors successfully , attaches much importance on creating personal financial business , and launches credit card business in order to enrich product variety and become more competitive .

  6. 发展个人金融业务不仅是我国银行迎接加入WTO后的挑战的需要,而且是适应我国企业直接融资发展较快和电子技术的不断进步的必然选择。

    For China ′ s commercial banks , to develop the private banking business is not only required by the challenge of WTO entry but also the inevitable choice for them to keep abreast of the rapid development of direct financing and the electronic technology .

  7. 通过本文的研究探索,不仅能够解决YT银行在个人金融业务营销策略上的诸多问题,也能对以后的研究工作起到借鉴的作用。

    Through the explore of this paper can not only solve the problem in the personal financial business marketing strategy of YT bank , also can play a reference role on the later research work .

  8. 中行GX分行作为国家控股的股份制商业银行,面对同业间日趋激烈的竞争,个人金融业务发展在机遇面前也将面临着巨大的挑战。

    Bank of China GX Branch , as one of the state-controlled commercial banks , has to face the rigorous banking industry competition . In other words , IFB development faces the great challenge as well as the opportunities .

  9. 信息技术背景下个人金融业务的创新与发展

    On Innovation and Development of Personal Financial Planning With Information Technology

  10. 农业银行发展个人金融业务研究

    The Research on Developing Personal Financial Services in Agricultural Bank of China

  11. 论个人金融业务信息传播模式的演变与优化

    On Evolution and Optimization of Information Transmitting Mode of Personal Financial Business

  12. 个人金融业务发展与创新研究

    The Research on Development and Innovation of Individual Financial Business

  13. 论一体化个人金融业务营销体系的建立

    Setting up a Marketing System for Integration of Personal Finance

  14. 农行拓展个人金融业务的探讨

    Discussion on the Expansion of Individual Financial Business of the Agricultural Bank

  15. 国外个人金融业务发展的特点

    Characters of development of personal financial business in foreign countries

  16. 个人金融业务也成为银行同业竞争的制高点。

    Personal finance business has become the bottleneck of the inter-bank competition .

  17. 个人金融业务经营观念的创新

    The renewal of the management idea for individual financial business

  18. 上海中外资银行个人金融业务的对比分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Personal Financial Business in Shanghai Domestic and Foreign Banks

  19. 商业银行个人金融业务的市场营销是一项系统工程,涉及的理论和实务也相对复杂。

    The research of personal finance in Commercial Bank is a complex systematic project .

  20. 我国商业银行加强个人金融业务营销管理的研究

    The Research of Strengthening Our Country Commercial Banks ' Individual Financial Business Marketing Management

  21. 工商银行个人金融业务经历了从储蓄业务到零售业务,再到个人金融业务发展阶段。

    Besides the saving service , retailing service , ICBC also offers other personal banking service .

  22. 市场竞争战略的总体思路就是要转变个人金融业务市场经营管理模式。

    The main idea of the market competition strategy is to change the individual business management model .

  23. 最后对贵港工行施实施个人金融业务营销策略的保障措施进行阐述。

    Finally , the paper give implementation of marketing strategy and safeguard measures on personal financial business .

  24. 花旗银行的个人金融业务

    Personal Financial Operations in Citibank

  25. 随着经济水平的不断改善,中国消费者对个人金融业务产生了新的需求。

    With the continuous improvement of economic level , Chinese consumers create new demands of personal financial services .

  26. 因此,个人金融业务市场也越来越受到国内外银行的重视。

    Therefore , the domestic and international banks pay more and more attention to the personal financial services .

  27. 金融业开放进程中国有商业银行个人金融业务拓展问题研究

    The Research on Personal Financial Business Expansion of China 's State-owned Commercial Banks in the Open Process of Financial Industry

  28. 随着个人金融业务的迅速发展,银行间个人业务竞争也日趋激烈。

    With the rapid development of personal financial business , the personal business competition among banks tends to be intensive .

  29. 最后相应地提出拓展我国商业银行个人金融业务的几点建议。

    At last , several suggestions are correspondingly presented on expanding energetically the individual finance business of our commercial banks .

  30. 在第二章,本文首先界定了个人金融业务的内涵和外延,其次对个人金融业务所涉及的相关理论进行了逐一详细的介绍。

    In chapter two , then we define the connotation and extension . Next , we introduce the related theory detailedly .