
  • 网络Two Basics
  1. 在甘肃省众多的少数民族中,肃南裕固族自治县的基础教育较早的实现了两基目标,基础教育取得了较快的发展。

    At a large number of ethnic minorities in Gansu Province , the Autonomous County of Sunan Yugur basic education earlier implementation of the " two basics " target , basic education has made rapid development .

  2. 改革开放30年来,我国不但如期实现了两基的奋斗目标,而且自2008年秋期开始,城乡孩子同时享受免费义务教育。

    Thirty years of Reform and opening up , not only China has achieve the goal of the " two basics " on schedule , but also both the urban and rural children enjoy free compulsory education at the beginning of autumn of 2008 .

  3. 丙烯直接水合制二异两基醚Hβ沸石催化剂的研究

    Study on h β zeolite catalyst for direct hydration of propylene to diisopropyl ether

  4. 而且,A3基成本低于其它两基。

    Moreover , the cost of medium A3 was lower than that of any other two media .

  5. BMAT的烯两基起到空间阻碍的作用。

    Allyl of BMAT played a role in the inhibition effect by the steric hindrances .

  6. 以上结果显示:ChiA、CP两基因为病毒复制非必需基因,且通过ChiA、CP两基因的失活,使家蚕杆状病毒表达系统表达外源蛋白的水平有了一定的提高;

    The above result showed : Chia and CP gene were not essential for virus replication , and by inactivating ChiA and CP gene , the expressing level of foreign protease of BEVS was improved .

  7. 西部农村两基攻坚与文化协调发展战略

    Two basic aspects in western rural areas and culturally coordinated development strategy

  8. 丙烯酰胺、丙烯酸钠和烯两基磺酸钠三元共聚物的合成及絮凝性能

    Synthesis and properties of copolymers of acrylamide with sodium acrylate and sodium allylsulfonate

  9. 这种高精度的测向算法为水下两基阵交会测距提供了保证。

    The algorithm makes sure of ranging underwater moving targets by two sonar array .

  10. 安全生产重在抓好两基工作

    The Focus of Production Safety in the Workplace is to Do a Good Job of Two Bases

  11. 在此背景下,甘肃省全面贯彻落实国家法律和各项基础教育保障制度,加快自身发展,在全面完成普九和两基任务后,转而致力于推进全省基础教育均等化建设。

    In this context , Gansu Province fully implements the national basic education legal system , speeds up self-development .

  12. 西部地区“两基”人口覆盖率由2003年的77%提高到96%。

    The proportion of the target population attaining these two goals in the western region increased to96 % from the77 % of2003 .

  13. 一维光子晶体的两基元介质折射率比值越大,产生的透过带越窄;

    The bigger the refractive index ratio of two primitive dielectrics of one-dimensional photonic crystals is , the narrower the transmission band is .

  14. 当基牙牙槽骨吸收>15%时固定桥两基牙出现应力集中。

    The stress of rigid fixed bridge ′ s abutments was not well distributed when more 15 % of alveolar bone was absorbed .

  15. 在教育方面,基础教育两基目标(基本普及九年义务教育和基本扫除青壮年文盲)初步实现;

    In the educational field , the objectives of basically universalizing nine-year compulsory education and basically eliminating illiteracy among young and middle-aged people have been attained primarily .

  16. 根据桥墩桩基施工现场的具体情况,通过理论计算,分析了两基桩产生偏位的主要原因。

    The main causes for the deviation of two bridge piles were analyzed by theoretical analysis , taking into consideration of the actual conditions of the construction site of the bridge piles .

  17. 到2000年底,基本普及九年义务教育和基本扫除青壮年文盲(简称两基)的目标如期实现。

    By the end of 2000 , the goal popularizing nine-year compulsory education and eliminating illiteracy between young and middle-aged people ( abbreviated as " two bases " ) is basically realized as scheduled .

  18. 目前,我国西部地区已基本完成两基任务,正处在巩固提高普及成果、大力发展高中阶段教育阶段。

    At present , our country western area has completed " two bases " basically the duty , is occupying the consolidated enhancement popularization achievement , to develop the high school stage education stage vigorously .

  19. 农村寄宿制学校的建设和发展成为国家实施两基攻坚,提高农村基础教育水平的关键措施和重要保障。

    The plan that lodge and make the school in the countryside are turned into the country and implementing Two bases and improving the key measure of the rural basic level of education and important guarantee .

  20. 教育问题具有时代性,在2000年全国基本实现两基之后,义务教育均衡发展逐渐成为社会关注的热点和焦点问题之一,带动了教育理论界对义务教育均衡发展的研究热潮。

    Education problems are of temporal spirit . After " Double-Base " achieved nationwide in 2000 , Balanced Development of Compulsory Education is to be social hotpot and focus point , and also accelerate the research upsurge among education theoretical circle .

  21. 1997年,南平市在福建省内第三个实现了基本普及九年义务教育、基本扫除青壮年文盲的两基目标,比全国提前了三年,比全省提前了一年。

    In 1997 , Nanping is the 3rd city in Fujian Province triumphantly realizing the 2B target & basically popularizing the 9-year compulsory education , and basically eliminating youth illiterates , which precedes national average by 3 years and provincial level by 1 year .

  22. 加强教师队伍建设,大力提高教师的全面素质,对于实践三个代表的重要思想,巩固扩大两基成果,促进基础教育发展,全面推进素质教育,具有重大的战略意义。

    To practise the important thought of the " three representatives ", to promote the development of basic education and to boost quality-oriented education , the strengthening of teaching staff construction together with the improvement of teachers ' all-around ability has extremely great strategic significance .

  23. 随着我国全面实现两基目标,基础教育由规模发展进入了内涵发展的新阶段,提高教育质量逐步成为我国教育改革和发展的重心。

    Striving to achieve " Two Basics " goal , basic education was gradually changing from " Scale Development " to " Connotation Development " in the new stage , improving the quality of education was gradually developing into the center mission of educational reform and development .