
  • 网络World Biosphere Reserve;UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve
  1. 其景区特殊的地质地貌,丰富的生物种群以及大规模的原始森林为其赢得世界自然遗产、世界生物圈保护区、绿色环球21三项桂冠。

    The area of special geological features , abundant biological populations and mass of the original forest has earned the " World Natural Heritage ", " World Biosphere Reserve ", " Green Globe 21 ," the three title .

  2. 世界生物圈保护区网络

    World Network of Biosphere Reserves

  3. 世界遗产地和生物圈保护区的概念都是在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)主持下制定的,主要目的都在于保护世界的物种多样性和生态系统;

    The two concepts of world heritages and Biosphere reserves come under the aegis of UNESCO . Their objectives are mainly to conserve species diversity and ecosystems of the world .

  4. 论世界遗产地和生物圈保护区的关系

    World heritage sites in relation to biosphere reserves