
  • World Cultural Heritage;World Heritage;UNESCO
  1. 《世界文化遗产丽江古城传统民居保护维修技术手册》的制定,是针对丽江古城传统民居解决保护方法、落实保护措施的一种尝试。

    The formulation of " The Maintain Technical Manual for the Protection of the Traditional Houses in World Cultural Heritage the Old Town of Lijiang " is aims to solving the method of protection and implementing the safeguard of the traditional houses in the old town of Lijiang .

  2. 都江堰风景名胜区拥有世界文化遗产之称号,为国家5A级旅游景区、国家级风景名胜区,具有奇高的科学、历史、文化、旅游、经济等价值。

    As the Nationals ' 5A scenic spots and the Nationals ' scenic area . Dujiangyan Scenic Area has the high value on scientific , historical , cultural , tourism and economic . In that case , it won the title of " World Cultural Heritage " .

  3. 为了使这里的雕像进入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录(UnescoWorldHeritageList),相关部门从20世纪90年代晚期开始努力展开修复工作。

    Restoration efforts , prompted by a bid for Unesco World Heritage List status , started in the late 1990s .

  4. 他表示,顺化的历史遗迹可能会失去联合国教科文组织(Unesco)授予的世界文化遗产的称号。

    He said that Hue 's monuments were at risk of losing the World Heritage Site status bestowed by Unesco , the United Nations cultural agency .

  5. 诸如此类的历史点滴形成了文化游船之旅“斯特拉斯堡,20个世纪之历史”的解说词。这个旅行路线会围着斯特拉斯堡知名景观——联合国教科文组织认可的世界文化遗产大岛(GrandÎle)前行,接着逆流而上到达欧盟委员会。

    These and other tidbits form the narrative of " Strasbourg , Over Twenty Centuries of History , " a scenic Batorama boat tour that circles Strasbourg 's Grand Î le , a Unesco World Heritage site , and proceeds upriver to institutions of the European Commission .

  6. 以ASEB法对世界文化遗产秦兵马俑的游客体验进行分析,得出了其游客体验水平低的劣势和市场需求多样化威胁的结论,而忽视游客体验提升和文化价值开发薄弱是导致这种现象的根本原因。

    The conclusion of weaknesses in tourist experience and threats in diversification of the market demand are got based on the analyses for tourist experience in Qin 's Terra-cotta with ASEB , tourist experience is ignored and weakness with development of culture value are the main reason .

  7. 欧洲历史文化名人与世界文化遗产

    Famous People of European History and Culture and World Culture Heritage

  8. 1994年,曲阜被列为世界文化遗产。

    In1994 , they were listed as world cultural heritage sites .

  9. 因此,在2002年,联合国科教文组织决定将中国的剪纸列为世界文化遗产。

    In2002 , UNESCO acknowledged Chinese paper-cuts to be World Cultural Heritage .

  10. 皖南古村落发展和谐旅游的思考&以世界文化遗产地宏村为例

    On the Developing Harmonious Tourism in Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui Province

  11. 真正的哈尔斯塔特位于奥地利,被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。

    The real Hallstat is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Austria .

  12. 许多人都会推荐都江堰这一世界文化遗产地。

    Many people would say Du-jiang-yan , a world-famous cultural heritage site .

  13. 世界文化遗产地旅游解说系统研究

    A Study on Tourists ' Interpretation System of World Cultural Heritage Sites

  14. 它在1987年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。

    It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 .

  15. 发展中的江苏省世界文化遗产保护事业

    The Protection Cause of the World Cultural Heritage in Jiangsu

  16. 1983年,联合国教科文组织将它定为世界文化遗产。

    It was designated as a Unesco World Heritage site in 1983 .

  17. 在世界文化遗产日那天,昆曲表演风光再现。

    Kunqu Opera stages a comeback on World Heritage Day .

  18. 世界文化遗产的标准及申报方法和程序

    Standard of World Cultural Heritage and the Heritage Declaration Method and Procedure

  19. 从宏村古水系保护谈世界文化遗产保护的和谐追求

    In the pursuit of harmony from protecting Hong Village 's ancient water system

  20. 在佛罗里达大沼泽地国家公园被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。

    Everglades National Park in Florida is listed as World Heritage by UNESCO .

  21. 2001年12月被列为世界文化遗产名录。

    December 2001 are listed as World Cultural Heritage .

  22. 世界文化遗产保护的典范古城罗马欧洲世界文化遗产考察报告之二

    Rome , Ancient City , a Good Example of World Culture Heritage Protection

  23. 世界文化遗产地旅游开发的问题及对策

    Tourist Development and Countermeasures in World Culture Legacy Fields

  24. 被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产

    that has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site

  25. 世界文化遗产已经成为许多旅游目的地的核心吸引物。

    World cuhurla heritages have been the key attractions for many tourist destinations .

  26. 平遥古城是世界文化遗产,位于太原附近。

    The Ancient City of Pingyao is a World Heritage Site near Taiyuan .

  27. 世界文化遗产&秦始皇帝陵的保护

    Protection of the World Cultural Heritage & the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

  28. 它已经被评为世界文化遗产。

    It has been included on the list of @ World Cultural Heritages @ .

  29. 世界文化遗产平遥古城的保护与旅游管理模式研究

    Study on Preservation and Tourism Management Mode of World Culture Heritage Pingyao Ancient City

  30. 摘要苏州虎丘塔是著名的世界文化遗产,但塔体不断缓慢倾斜。

    Suzhou Huqiu tower is famous world culture heritage , yet tower body glacis .