
zhuān zhù
  • monograph;treatise;specialized publication
专著 [zhuān zhù]
  • [monogragh;treatise;specialized publication] 专题论著

  • 犯罪心理学专著

专著[zhuān zhù]
  1. 在OTC类药物专著系统规定内,FDA允许一些OTC药物在没有获得批准前上市。

    Under its OTC drug monograph system , the FDA allows some OTC drugs to be marketed without first obtaining agency approval .

  2. 在2008年,Larsen-Freeman与Cameron出版的专著ComplexSystemsandAppliedLinguistics率先将复杂系统理论应用到二语习得领域。

    The monograph " Complex Systems and Applied Linguistics " published in2008 ; Larsen-Freeman and Cameron are the first people who apply the Complex Adaptive System into the Second Language Acquisition field .

  3. 中国唐代陆羽写的《茶经》是世界上最早的茶叶制作专著。

    “ The Classics on Tea ”, written by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A.D. - 907 A.D. ) was the world 's earliest treatise on tea leave production .

  4. 学术专著是以小册子形式出版的。

    The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet .

  5. 《相马经》是他的一本相马的专著。

    His book On the Physiognomy of Horses was a classic piece of work on that subject .

  6. 但是,约束C原则的性质,以及该原则是否实际存在,不少理论专著依然争论不休。

    However , the nature and the existence of Principle C in the BT have been debated on extensively in the theoretical literature .

  7. 专著〔1〕用反证法证明了:若R不是全迷向的向量空间,则它含有一个非迷向向量。

    N. Jacobson has proved in his treatise [ 1 ] that , if R is not totally isotropic , then it contains a non-isotropic vecter .

  8. 本杰明卢因(BenjaminLewin)是另一位葡萄酒方面的资深作家,最近刚刚自行出版了自己的第一本葡萄酒专著。

    Benjamin Lewin is another highly qualified author to have recently published his first wine book himself .

  9. G威多森在它的专著《实用文体学》中,以其本人对诗歌作为语言创作形式的本质理解,就诗歌教学作了一番深入的论述。

    In his book Practical Stylistics , based on his understanding of the nature of poetry as the creative form of language , Widdowson made a thorough study on style in the view of poetic teaching .

  10. 在阅读权威专著和期刊文献的基础上,对我国CBA联赛的转播现状开展了研究。

    Authority in reading books and periodicals based on the CBA league broadcast on the status of our country to carry out the research .

  11. 如果制药公司希望标记OTC但没有达到专著要求的,均可以提交新药上市的申请和获得注册新药的许可。

    Companies wishing to market OTC drugs that do not meet the monograph requirements can submit and receive approval of a new drug application .

  12. 国内、外多数人体解剖学教科书或人体胚胎学专著,对胎儿次级骨化中心(secondaryossificationcenter,SOC)出现的时间比较一致的看法是在胎儿出生以后,或仅比较含糊地指出是在出生前后出现。

    Most textbooks on human anatomy and human embryology state that the appearance of the secondary ossification center ( SOC ) of the fetus is considered to be after or around birth .

  13. 本文对专著HopfAlgebra(E.Abe)中若干基本结论或其证明的不妥或错误之处进行了修正和改进。

    Some basic conclusions and their improper proofs in " Hopf Algebra "( E.Abe ) are amended and improved in this paper .

  14. 自从美国学者S.约汉森的学术专著《界面文化》发表以来,许多学者对界面概念以及界面文化的相关问题进行了研究。

    The concepts and its problem of interface and interface-culture have been studied by many scholars since , Interface Culture , the book which written by Steven Johnson , who is a U.S.A scholar , published .

  15. 接着在隐蔽交际的探讨中,指出隐蔽交际只是一种交际策略,不能与明示推理交际相提并论,这是针对Tanaka在AdvertisingLanguage(1994)专著中的相关研究而提出的不同的看法。

    Then in the discussion of covert communication , it is deemed as a kind of communication strategy , thus it cannot serve as the opposite of the ostensive-inferential communication , which contradicts Tanaka 's study in Advertising Language ( 1994 ) .

  16. 美国哲学家奎因(W.V.Quine)在《语词与对象》这部专著中最早提出了翻译的不确定性观点。

    W.V. Quine , an American philosopher , first put forward the indeterminacy of translation in his monograph Word and Object .

  17. 每产出1篇科技论文(Y3)和每产出1种科技专著(Y4)所需的6项投入均高于全国水平;

    All of 6 input items needed for each yielding of a piece of technical paper ( Y3 ) or works ( Y4 ) were higher than average .

  18. 这本专著是一本较高深的普及读物。

    This monograph belongs to the category of serious popular books .

  19. 一些植物育种专著详细地论述了经典的方法。

    Several plant breeding texts describe the classical methods in detail .

  20. 传媒经济研究的不同路径&两本国外理论专著的比较

    The Research Way of Media Economics : Differences Between Two Books

  21. 当时已有许多学者在报刊撰写节育论述,出版节育专著及编译国外学者的节育著作。

    Monographs and translation of foreign works were also published .

  22. 手法的操作严格按照推拿专著中的要求进行。

    The manipulating was in strict accordance with requirements on massage monograph .

  23. 意思应该是“先前没有出版或提交的专著”吧。

    The work has not been published or presented previously .

  24. 为何会这样无休止的专著一个问题?

    Why is there this ceaseless preoccupation with a problem ?

  25. 资料提炼:共选择相关专著8部纳入其中20个章节;

    DATA EXTRACTION : Total 20 chapters in 8 bookmaking were collected .

  26. 牡丹的研究也颇受重视,出现的有关专著达7种;

    Great attention was paid to the study of peonies .

  27. 上海农学院学术专著的统计与分析

    A statistics and an analysis for the works of Shanghai Agricultural College

  28. 他的专著和论文都受到学界的普遍认可。

    His monographs and papers by scholars generally recognized .

  29. 但到目前为止,国内尚无研究互文性问题的专著。

    But up to now , there is no domestic monograph on it .

  30. 教学文字资料来源于具有一定权威的教科书、专著及期刊。

    Teaching document data were collected from authorized textbooks , monographs and periodicals .