- 名exclusive right

Its nature is property right , comparative right , right in forms , exceptive right , exclusive right , basic right and acquiring right .
A permanent exclusive right to the use of a trademark , brand name , or commercial symbol may be obtained by registering it with the federal government .
I thought we had an exclusive on this property .
A condition in which a company has exclusive rights to a patented product or process .
The purpose of this exclusive grant is to encourage the invention of new products and processes .
Party B has exclusive right for the mobile samples that success its test , party A may not provide the mobile samples as the production to other buyers .
And , in an attempt to win over the opposition , he promised to cede some of his sweeping presidential powers , such as the authority to dismiss parliament & though many doubt he will actually do so .
How to understand the jurisdiction of CAS AHD on the disputes arising during Olympic Games ?
He had sole jurisdiction in maritime and seafaring causes .
The Scope of Civil Law Exclusive Jurisdiction
The civil exclusive jurisdiction is the jurisdiction stipulated according to international treaty or the domestic law .
The little-noticed judgment centred on the nature of the exclusive jurisdiction clause in the parties ' financial contract .
So the coordination to civil law exclusive jurisdiction conflict is a new issue and is worth to be discussed .
The parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts in Santa Clara County , California .
The parties hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal or state courts in the districts that include Fremont , California .
Wellknown trademarks are characteristics of exclusive monopoly right beyond territories , registration right beyond primary application doctrines , transfer right with strict limitations and permission right .
After more than 10 year ′ s endeavor , China has successfully become a pioneer investor of the international sea-bed area and has exclusive exploitation rights .
Once exercised on the premise of respecting the national security interests , sovereignty right , and jurisdiction of the coastal State , will such freedom of passing through be safe and secured .
Therefore , in this newly established area , the mark for rights of sovereignty of costal States and exclusive jurisdiction and freedom of the high sea and rights of other States is not quite certain at the very beginning .
It is overly simplistic to think that a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause fully maintains the parties'freedom to conduct disputes in any jurisdiction they wish .
Especially in the new area of exclusive economic zone , the partition of coastal countries ' sovereign rights , exclusive jurisdiction , the freedom of high sea , and other countries ' rights is not very clear .