
  • 网络professional training;School
  1. 沙普兰博士认为系统在专业培训上的运作效率不是非常高。

    Where Dr Shapland feels the system is not working most effectively is in respect of professional training .

  2. 浙江省1995~2002年医疗卫生机构AIDS检验专业培训情况分析

    Analysis of professional training for AIDS testing in medical institutions in Zhejiang from 1995 to 2002

  3. 香港商学院副院长,国际认证专业培训师

    Hongkong commercial college subdecanal . Specialty division of international attestation .

  4. 所有导师均已接受本机构音乐顾问有关英皇课程教学之专业培训。

    All instructors are trained to teach ABRSM syllabuses by our project advisors .

  5. ICU护士专业培训班教学过程优化的实践

    The optimization of teaching process to the ICU training course of nursing

  6. 临床发展计划在ICU护士专业培训中的实践

    Professional training of intensive care nurses according to clinical system

  7. 4个省共103人次参加全国HIV检测专业培训,提高了人员的素质;

    A total of 103 person-time participated in the national training on HIV / AIDS testing with their professional skills considerably improved .

  8. 一家为客户编写软件和专业培训XP团队的小型公司。

    A small company that specializes in coaching XP teams and writing software for their clients .

  9. 包括改变传统观念、利用虚拟现实技术加强信息管理人员专业培训、建立程项目信息管理虚拟组织,并最终构建基于Web的工程项目协同管理信息系统。

    Including change the traditional concept ; use virtual reality technology to strengthen professional training of information management ; Building Information Management Virtual Organization of Project and setting up The Web-based Collaborative Management Information Systems of Project .

  10. 突出教师自主成长的专业培训模式;4、学校文化的内在改变:(l)学校应转变职能,进行管理体制的改革;

    Changing the school culture : ( 1 ) reformation of the management system ;

  11. CNG仿真培训系统在实际培训中起到了良好效果,实现了职工安全培训的信息化与数字化,为公司建立各专业培训基地提供了技术支撑。

    CNG simulation training system has played a good result in the actual training . It helped to achieve information and digital in security training and digital for the employee , and provided technical support for the company to established professional training bases .

  12. 加强对基层医务人员的专业培训,才能够真正提高病人发现率。

    Strengthening the profession training of the basic level medical staff .

  13. 还存在对更多专业培训的强烈要求。

    There was also a strong demand for more professional training .

  14. 专业培训在静脉药物配置中心运行中的作用

    Effect of professional training of staffs of undergoing intravenous drug dispensing center

  15. 鉴定工作经验和专业培训教育是减少鉴定失真的重要因素。

    The work experience and professional train were important to reduce errors .

  16. 医务人员急救专业培训班课程设置及教学方法探讨

    Discussion on teaching first aid to Medical worker and its courses offered

  17. 参加专业培训,接受继续医学教育;

    Participating in professional training and receiving continued medical education ;

  18. 你是否曾有过一些儿童早期发育或是育儿方面的专业培训?

    Do you have any formal early childhood development or childcare training ?

  19. 83.9%的人在从医后参加过1年以上专业培训;

    83.9 % had attended one – year training during their work .

  20. 为学生提供就业前互补性专业培训和综合能力培训的服务;

    Provide the graduates with the complementary vocational training and integrated competence training ;

  21. 学术人士是经过专业培训,专门用来挑剔的。

    The mind of the academic is trained to pull holes in things .

  22. 推广国际通行的规范化投资促进方法,提供投资促进专业培训。

    To recommend international normative investment promotion methods , and provide professional training .

  23. 专业培训,提高技能;

    Conducting professional training so as to improve skills ;

  24. 反思型教学与英语教师专业培训

    Reflective Teaching and Professional Training of English Teacher

  25. 地震系统专业培训的探讨

    Discussion on the professional training of seismological system

  26. 香港旅游专业培训中心有限公司

    Hong Kong Travel and Tourism Training Centre Limited

  27. 云南省医疗卫生机构STD/AIDS专业培训需求调查分析

    A survey of STD / AIDS professional training needs in medical institutions in Yunnan

  28. 谈军队文职干部的合法权益加强对管理干部的专业培训;

    On the formation of the lawful rights of civilian officers strengthening professional training ;

  29. 军事专业培训的工效学问题

    Work Efficiency of Military Science Special Training

  30. 他们表示,也只有受过专业培训的专家才能说一个人是否患有难语症。

    And they say only a trained professional can tell if a person is dyslexic .