
  • 网络conference;Professional Conference;Professional meetings
  1. 科学技术应用于拉丁美洲发展专业会议

    Specialized Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to Latin America

  2. 无论是商务洽谈、专业会议还是休闲度假,莲花山庄酒店是您的理想选择。

    The Lotus Villa Hotel is the ideal address and a perfect choice for business , conference or leisure .

  3. 会议口译另外一个重要的工作来源就是高端中介服务行业,比如说国际性公关公司与专业会议组织者(PCO)。

    A more significant source of work for conference interpreters is the higher-end intermediation service , like international PR companies and PCOs .

  4. BIO-FORUM必将成为您了解业内动态,提高学术科研水平,增进交流合作,进行商务洽谈的首选专业会议。

    BIO-FORUM will be your first choice to see the trends , to enhance the research level , to promote international communication and cooperation , and to get commercial contacts .

  5. 到专业会议去学习。

    Goes to professional meetings to learn .

  6. 国际专业会议组织者协会

    International Association of Professional Congress Organizers

  7. 首次全国震前动物习性异常观测研究专业会议概述

    General account of the first national workshop in China on observations and studies of abnormal animal behaviour before earthquakes

  8. 1972年,巴黎国际噪声专业会议正式确定了次声的定义,并对次声的暴露标准展开讨论。

    In 1972 , Paris International Noise Professional Meeting gave a formal definition of infrasound , and discussed its exposure standards .

  9. 我的朋友董医生有幸获得了一次去西雅图在一个专业会议上做学术报告的好机会。

    My friend Dr. Dong had a wonderful chance to go to Seattle to present a paper at a professional meeting .

  10. 技术先进的视听设备,经验丰富的专业会议统筹和餐饮团队,确保您的每一个会议活动取得圆满成功。

    Technology advanced audio-visual equipment and experienced professional meeting planned as a whole and catering team , make sure your every meeting activity with success .

  11. 北京王府井希尔顿酒店完备的会议及宴会设施,匹配无懈可击的专业会议服务,满足各式商务所需。

    Hilton Beijing Wangfujing will help raise the standard for business functions , with sophisticated meeting facilities that pair ideal meeting venues with impeccable service .

  12. 他们强迫小盖茨参加他们举办的聚会,并在父亲的专业会议上当服务生,希望使其不再过度沉迷于书本。

    They tried to temper that streak by forcing him to be a greeter at their parties and a waiter at his father 's professional functions .

  13. 前两个方法,对于商务会谈和专业会议尤其有用,因为将不同类型的信息分开对他们都是最重要的。

    The first two methods are especially useful for business meetings and professional conferences , where it 's most important to separate different types of information .

  14. 大白天戴朵花?戴着上班?还参加专业会议?她是在我工作的宽大、忙碌的办公室里一名有抱负的平面造型设计师。

    A flower in midday ? To work ? To professional meetings ? She was an aspiring graphic designer in the large , busy office where I worked .

  15. 曾几何时,妈妈教我们穿什么衣服上学,现在该我们自己决定上班或参加专业会议时如何着装了。

    Our moms taught us how to dress for school , but now it 's up to us to decide how we dress for the office and work-related meetings .

  16. 酒店经验丰富的专业会议接待人员,能满足您对各种会议、宴会、主题晚宴等不同需要,并确保您的活动顺利圆满完成。

    We have a professional team with well trained staff to meet your meeting , catering , theme parties and conference needs and will ensure the success of your event .

  17. 随后,在各届全国活化分析会议和有关专业会议上都有这方面的论文发表或工作报导,积累了丰富的经验。

    After that , paper or report in this aspect were published and reported in each session of the national conference on activation analysis meeting and related professional meetings and a wealth of experience were accumulated .

  18. 各项专业会议研究了新中国经济工作的战略布局,确定了新中国经济恢复与发展的蓝图,并将《共同纲领》在财政经济工作方面规定的各项方针政策具体化。

    These conferences discussed the overall arrangement of economic work , decided on the blueprints of economic restoration and development and worked the principles and policies set out in the Common Program into specific measures and plans .

  19. 在处理这类问题的专业会议中,我惊奇地发现技术性的文章有多么坚定地站在反对方这边。

    In the process of studying this topic for a professional conference a few months ago I was surprised to find how firmly the technical literature comes down on the " No " side of this proposal .

  20. 然而他补充称:我们都不得不承认,我们是一群严重伪善且矛盾的人。他指的是气候学家参加各种专业会议而飞行的数十万航空里程。

    Referring to the hundreds of thousands of air miles travelled by climate scientists going to and from professional meetings , however , he adds that we all have to ' fess up to the fact that we 're deeply hypocritical and contradictory beings .

  21. 但在欧洲会议提供的专业发展会议在IFFCON,种类丰富的方式很少。

    But the European conference offers little in the way of the professional development sessions available in abundance at IFFCON .

  22. 专业的会议服务团队,适合各类行政、企业、天体会议、洽谈及商务签约仪式。

    Professional team of conference services for all types of administrative , business , astrophysics meetings and business negotiations ceremony .

  23. 专业的会议策划专家会全程协调客人的会议,并解决关于技术、餐饮或服务上的所有问题。

    A dedicated Meeting Concierge is on hand to assist with any technology or catering support as one-point contact for event organizers .

  24. 专业的会议主持人应该具备一些成熟的“团队流程”技能来帮助你的团队在会议上更加有效率。

    Professional meeting facilitators have developed a number of " group process " techniques designed to help groups work more effectively in meetings .

  25. 另有13个设施齐配的多功能厅任您选择,更有细致专业的会议服务团队为您提供最优质的服务。

    For more intimate occasions , a selection of13 elegant function rooms is available , each with state-of-the-art audio-visual technology , and serviced by an attentive and professional team .

  26. 随着公共和私营部门的国际接触的不断增加,为保证语言和文化上的有效成功的交流,专业的会议译员越来越在其重要角色上尽显价值。

    In the context of ever-increasing international contacts in both the public and private sectors , professional conference interpreters are becoming valued for their critical role in ensuring effective and successful communication across the linguistic and cultural divide .

  27. 会议型饭店除了具备传统饭店所拥有的客房、餐饮和娱乐功能外,最主要的是具有专业的会议功能,其核心业务是会议业务。

    Conference hotel has its own business characteristics and market positioning , conference and exhibition business is the core business . Conference hotel have accommodation , dining and entertainment function , the important is Conference hotel has the professional meeting function .

  28. 出席与您的应用程序或产品有关的当地专业组织的会议。

    Present for and attend local professional organizations that align with your application or product .

  29. 我们极富专业经验的会议服务人员将确保您的会议尽善尽美。

    Our experienced Banqueting team will ensure that everything runs smoothly , be it business or social gatherings .

  30. 危险货物运输专业委员会工作会议及学术研讨会在连云港召开

    The working meeting and a symposium of the Committee of the Transportation of Hazardous Cargo held in Lianyungang