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  1. 他们还与民同乐,同甘共苦。

    They also share a special burden for thailand 's needy .

  2. 此外,充实之谓美还具有与民同乐的社会内涵。

    Besides , the proposition that fullness was beauty contained social connotation of sharing happiness with people .

  3. 而在社会领域,这种共同美感思想又被他拓展为与民同乐思想。

    And in the society , the common aesthetic thoughts were developed as the thoughts of sharing happiness with people .

  4. 这里一年一度的“莫朗钦莫”节已成为神与人、僧与民同乐同庆的美好日子。

    The yearly-held Molangqingmo Festival has become a wonderful time celebrated by both Gods and human being , by both monks and common people .

  5. 富丽雕琢的外在形式、崇尚自然不逾礼仪法度、与民同乐等,构成了先秦建筑审美观的多重特征。

    The multiform aesthetic features of the architectural culture in the Pre-Qin period consist of the sumptuous , ornamental external forms , the belief in nature , and the conformity to rules and popularity .