
  • 网络insolvency;can not pay
  1. 破产和解制度是债务人不能清偿债务时,为避免受破产宣告或破产分配,与债权人就债务清偿事务达成和解以预防破产的制度。

    Bankruptcy conciliation is the system concerning about liquidation conciliation between creditor and debtor , who can not pay off debts and want to avoid bankruptcy announcement or distribution .

  2. 债务人有不能清偿情形的,则向法院进行破产申请。

    When the debtor is unable to repay , then he apply to the court for bankruptcy .

  3. 对于破产原因,不能清偿到期债务是一般原因,在有些情况下,债务超过也是破产原因之一。

    However , under certain conditions , the excess of debts can also result in the bankruptcy .

  4. 这导致了合伙企业在市场竞争中,出现不能清偿债务时,不能进行破产清算的情形,不利于债权人的平等保护。

    This has lead to absence of bankruptcy liquidation when the enterprise fails to clear its debt in the market competition .

  5. 破产制度己从强制债务人破产清算的特别执行程序,演进为对不能清偿的债务人的一种实体上和程序上的法律救济。

    Bankruptcy legal system develops from special execution proceedings to legal relief of insolvent debtor by both substantial law and procedural law .

  6. 作者探讨了破产法的适用范围,认为破产法应适用于个人破产,并应当将债务人不能清偿到期债务作为破产原因。

    The author made a research on the scope of bankruptcy law , Pointed out that it should apply to individual bankruptcy .

  7. 我国《合伙企业法》第92条规定了合伙企业不能清偿到期债务,可以适用破产程序,清理其债务。

    Partnership Enterprise Act of PRC Article 92 provides that the partnership can not be liquidated due debt , bankruptcy proceedings can be applied to clean up its obligations .

  8. 不能清偿是破产法规定的破产原因,就破产者个人而言,陷入不能清偿境地的具体缘由则是多种多样的。

    Unable to repay is the cause of bankruptcy of bankruptcy law , in terms of bankrupt individuals , the specific reason to be unable to repay is varied .

  9. 因此,笔者提出了完善内地破产原因的立法建议并深入论述了“不能清偿”与“停止支付”的含义。

    Therefore , the author gives some advices of perfection on multiplicity in the mainland , and a deeper study on the implications of " inability of settlement " and " stop payment " .

  10. 当债务人不能清偿到期债务时,债权人通过行使破产申请权,申请法院启动破产程序,以终止债务的拖延,使得全体债权人获得平等受偿的机会。

    When debtor can not repay debts in due , creditors apply to the court for starting the insolvency proceedings to let all the creditors get equal opportunities for repayment through exercising the right to bankruptcy .

  11. 从合伙人承担责任的性质、破产法新的价值取向等得出合伙企业的破产原因应是合伙企业财产不能清偿到期债务;

    The cause of insolvency , in the view of the way that partners take responsibilities and the new tendency of insolvency law , is that a partnership enterprise is not able to repay its due debt .

  12. 当企业因为各种各样的原因不能清偿到期的债务,资不抵债时,通过企业破产制度的调节,启动和解、清算或者重整的破产程序,公平合理地保障债权人的合法权益,顺利解决债权债务关系。

    When an insolvent enterprise fails to settle any mature debts , the legitimate rights and interests of creditors could be fairly protected and the debts could be paid by the bankruptcy system from the reconciliation , liquidation or reorganization proceedings .

  13. 自然人破产是指严格意义上的普通自然人在不能清偿其到期债务时,以将债务人的所有财产公平清偿给所有债权人为目的的审判上的程序。

    The insolvency of natural persons are in the strict sense refers to natural persons in general should not discharge its liabilities when due , to all the property of the debtor a fair settlement to all creditors for the purpose of the procedure on the trial .

  14. 在债务不能自动清偿,当事人自力救济无效的情况下,就需要通过国家公权利强制执行的途径进行清偿。

    In the circumstances that debt can 't be discharged voluntarily and creditor 's self-relief is invalid , compulsory execution is necessary .

  15. 在借款人不能按期清偿债务时,债权人可以凭借质押保单实现自己的债权。

    When the borrower can not discharge debt on time , the creditor can implement the creditor 's rights by right of the guarantee slip .

  16. 不能偿还或清偿金融债务。

    Unable to meet or discharge financial obligations .

  17. 补充责任,直言之即直接责任人(终局责任人)不能或不足清偿之风险责任。

    In brief , supplementary liability is the liability for risks that the direct responsible person ( final responsible person ) cannot be assumed or cannot fully assumed .

  18. 整顿期满,不能按照和解协议清偿债务的。

    If , upon the expiration of the period of reorganization , is unable to repay debts in accordance with the settlement agreement .