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xià wǎn
  • Xiawan;exit of the stomach
  1. 中脘、下脘、气海、关元深刺(针尖在肌筋膜上),滑肉门中刺(针尖在脂肪层),商曲浅刺(针尖在皮肤层)。

    Zhongwan , Qihai , Guanyuan Xiawan , deep needling ( tip in muscle fascia ), huaroumen thorn ( tip in the fat layer ), Shang Qu shallow needling ( tip in the skin ) .

  2. 治疗组:采用胃脘十二针(上脘、中脘、下脘、双足三里、气海、双天枢、双内关、双太冲)治疗。

    The treatment group : treatment by Epigastric Twelve Needles ( Shangwan , Zhongwan , Xiawan , the double Zusanli , Qihai , the double Tianshu , the double Neiguan , the double Sanyinjiao ) .