
  • 网络Discharge flow;water discharges;let-down flow rate
  1. 三峡水利枢纽最小下泄流量及其对航道影响的初步研究

    Minimum Discharge Volume of the Three-Gorges Hydro-Junction and Its Influences on Waterway

  2. 中小型水库调洪计算,如果设计洪水过程线为概化五边形模型,则防洪库容和相应的最大下泄流量可通过解析计算求得。

    In the flood regulating computation of medium-minor reservoir ;

  3. 宽浅式水库库水位差异对泄水建筑物下泄流量的影响

    The Influence of Water Level Differences on Discharge of Water-release Struc tures of Wide-shallow Reservoir

  4. 三峡大坝开始加大下泄流量,以缓解下游水稻耕种区的严重旱情。

    The Three Gorges Dam has started to increase its water release to ease severe drought plaguing downstream rice-growing areas .

  5. 从流域环境保护要求提出了主要水库的最小下泄流量;

    To satisfy the valley environmental protection requirements , the paper determines the minimum discharging downstream flow from the main reservoirs .

  6. 三峡工程依靠可再生无污染且强劲有力的水力来发电,清洁廉价,还有利于调节长江流域丰、枯水期的下泄流量。

    The Three Gorges Project produce electricity with renewable clean and strong hydraulic power , which is conducive to regulating the discharged volume of the Yangtze river .

  7. 三峡工程运行后增减下泄流量,将使鄱阳湖的泥沙交换和淤积作用发生变化。

    The increase or decrease of the discharge , after Three-Gorge Project goes into operation , will change the sand exchange and silt deposition in Poyang Lake .

  8. 为了协助搜救作业,官员们调低了三峡大坝的下泄流量,但搜救工作仍受到恶劣天气的影响。

    Officials reduced the amount of water flowing through the dam in an effort to help the search effort , which is being hampered by bad weather .

  9. 在挑坎末端高程相同的条件下,下泄流量较小时,曲率和挑角越大,水舌单宽流量的横向分布越均匀,水垫塘底板最大时均压力越小;

    When the water discharge is small , the larger the curvature and the jet-trajectory angle , the smaller the time - average pressure in the plunge pool .

  10. 丹江口水库增加枯水期下泄流量和三峡电站减少枯水期下泄流量的联合调度将减小汉江水华发生的概率。

    The joint regulation of increasing discharge from Danjiangkou Reservoir and decreasing discharge from Sanxia Power Station during drought period will reduce the probability of Hanjiang 's water bloom .

  11. 世界上最大水电工程――三峡大坝上周五开始加大下泄流量,以缓解下游水稻耕种区的严重旱情。

    The Three Gorges Dam , the world 's largest hydroelectric project , has started to increase its water release to ease severe drought plaguing downstream rice-growing areas on Friday .

  12. 通澄长河段抽引水影响研究根据计算结果对比分析了不同抽、引水量下的水位、流速以及流量的沿程分布,及对潮区界、潮流界和下泄流量的影响。

    The distributions of water level , velocity and discharge along this reach are calculated according to different amount of the water abstraction and their impacts on the locations of the tidal limit and the tidal current limit are analyzed .

  13. 此外,研究了不同洪水预报精度下,水库遭遇超标洪水时,下泄流量超过安全标准的风险率。(3)洪水灾害是一种常见的自然灾害。

    Moreover , the risk rate that discharge flow overtakes the safety standard under the different accuracy of flood forecasting is investigated while the reservoir encounters the over-level flood . ( 3 ) Flood disaster is a kind of frequent natural hazards .

  14. 结果表明消力池失事主要由消力池的设计不当引起,不仅与水跃跃长公式的选择有关,还与水库下泄流量的精确计算有关。

    It is showed that the wreckage was caused by the faulty design of the stilling pool . The faulty design had not only something to do with the choice of jump length formula , but also with the accurate calculation of flowrate .

  15. 由于近年来持续干旱少雨,上游基本无下泄流量进入,加之沿河未经处理的国有、城镇生活污水的排入以及蓟运河闸年久失修海水倒灌多年污染河床,致使蓟运河水质咸化和恶化。

    Owning to continued drought in recent years , there is almost no upstream flow discharging . And untreated state-owned and urban waste water were discharged combined with river bed contaminated for years because of seawater flow backward caused by disrepair gates , which lead to water salinization and deterioration .

  16. 综合各方面需水要求,下泄月平均流量至少不小于1.1m3/s。

    Taking all aspects of water requirement into consideration , the mean monthly water discharge should not be less than 1.1 ? m ~ 3 / s.

  17. 因此,将长期下泄“枯水”流量。

    As a result , it will discharge at " low water " continuously .