
  • 网络SHDR;Shanghai Disney Resort
  1. 新剧院有1200个座位,是投资55亿美元的宏大的上海迪士尼度假区(ShanghaiDisneyResort)里的重要景点。该度假区周四开放(6月16日)。

    The theater is an anchor of the colossal $ 5.5 billion Shanghai Disney Resort , which opened on Thursday .

  2. 《多莉去哪儿》(FindingDory)票房大卖和上海迪士尼度假区开业都对股价回升起到了促进作用。

    Blockbuster results for " Finding Dory " at the box office helped , as did the opening of Shanghai Disneyland .

  3. 将这部百老汇票房最高的音乐剧本土化已经成为上海迪士尼度假区的焦点。

    Localizing Broadway 's top-grossing musical has been the focal point for the Shanghai Disney Resort .

  4. 上海迪士尼度假区由迪士尼乐园、迪士尼小镇、还有位于上海浦东金融区的两家度假区酒店组成。

    Shanghai Disney Resort consists of Disneyland , Disneytown , and two resort hotels in Shanghai 's financial district of Pudong .

  5. 郭伟诚表示,乐园方面针对中国市场制定了长远规划,并希望上海迪士尼度假区能取得持续的成功。

    The park has long-term plans for the Chinese market and hopes Shanghai Disney Resort will achieve ongoing success , Gas said .

  6. 甘巴说,关于推出《狮子王》中文版的讨论始于2011年。同年,上海迪士尼度假区动工。

    Discussion about bringing a Mandarin version of " The Lion King " to China began in 2011 , Mr. Gamba said , the same year officials broke ground on the Shanghai resort .

  7. 据最新报道,前往中国大陆第一个迪士尼主题公园--上海迪士尼度假区的游客将能品尝到最美味的上海菜和全国各地的特色菜肴。

    Visitors to the Shanghai Disney Resort , Disney 's first theme park in the Chinese mainland , will be able to sample the very best of local cuisine and dishes from across China .

  8. 这家主题公园将于6月16日开园,园方建议游客仅通过上海迪士尼度假区官方网站、阿里旅行官方旗舰店、致电预订服务中心等官方授权售票渠道购票。

    The theme park urged visitors to only purchase tickets through authorized avenues , which include its official website , its official store on Alitrip , and via phone through the Shanghai Disney Resort reservation center .

  9. 上海迪士尼度假区总经理郭伟诚表示,度假区赢得了市场的青睐,已接待游客超过1100万人次,其中过半游客不是来自上海本地。

    Philippe Gas , general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort , said the resort was welcomed by the market and it had received over 11 million visitors , more than half of whom came from outside Shanghai .

  10. 这个来自动画人物的电话,是今天的第一个提醒,告诉我和我的家人,我们此刻身在全新的上海迪士尼度假区内的玩具总动员酒店。

    The call , from an animated character , was the day 's first reminder that my family and I were staying at the Toy Story Hotel , at the new Shanghai Disney Resort . After lifting our eyelids , extra heavy with jet lag , we saw other signs .

  11. 除了打击假冒迪士尼产品的全国行动外,通知还把上海迪士尼乐园及度假区7平方公里的核心区和周边地区划为“迪士尼商标的重点保护区”。

    In addition to heightened national action against fake Disney goods , the push also includes designating an area of 2.7 square miles around the Shanghai park as a " Disney trademark key protected area . "

  12. 工商总局表示,此次行动的时间,与上海的迪士尼乐园和度假区明年春天开张相配合。上海迪士尼乐园是中国大陆的第一家这类主题公园,迪士尼正和几家国有企业一起建设这个项目,总投资290亿元。

    The trademark agency said the move was meant to coincide with the opening next year of the Shanghai Disney Resort , the first such theme park in mainland China , which Disney is building alongside state-owned companies for $ 29 billion .