
  • 网络tertiary hospital
  1. 在治疗CP时,50.0%的三级医院医师和73.2%的二级医院医师常规使用抗生素(P<0.05)。

    In the treatment , 50.0 % of urologists in tertiary hospitals and 73.2 % in secondary graded hospitals used antibiotic treatment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 目的应用数据包络分析(DEA)方法评价哈尔滨市三级医院的效率,为医院管理提供依据。

    Objective To evaluate the efficiency of the tertiary hospitals by using the data envelope analysis ( DEA ) in order to provide methodological basis for hospital management .

  3. 方法对北京7所三级医院102名ICU病房护士进行问卷调查收集。

    Method Data were collected from 102 ICU nurses in 7 class-3 hospitals in Beijing using questionnaires .

  4. 【目的】探讨建立市三级医院危重新生儿转运系统(NETS)的临床意义。

    【 Objective 】 To evaluate the clinical significance of establishment of critical neonate emergent transport system ( NETS ) in the third-level hospital .

  5. 结果通过上述技术建立起来的CPR系统已在两所三级医院使用。

    Results The CPR system , established with the above techniques , was put into use in two third-tier hospitals .

  6. 结果:呼吸系统疾病患者进行肺功能测定的检查率仅为23.48%,而确诊为慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的检查率也仅为23.7%,明显低于三级医院的肺功能检查率;

    Results : The rate of lung function examination is 23.48 per in respiration patient and 23.7 per in COPD , obviously lower than the domestic average rate .

  7. 其中三级医院、二级医院和社区卫生服务中心医务人员的乙型肝炎感染率分别为52.90%、52.47%和48.98%,差别无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Including the medical staffs in the tertiary hospital , second-class hospital and Community Health Service Center , the infection rates of HBV were 52.90 % , 52.47 % and 48.98 % respectively , and there was no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  8. 评估蒙古的二、三级医院是否有执行2008年拯救败血症患者运动(SSC)指南所需要的资源。

    To assess if secondary and tertiary hospitals in Mongolia have the resources needed to implement the2008 Surviving Sepsis Campaign ( SSC ) guidelines .

  9. 66.7%的三级医院医师和39.0%的二级医院医师认为CP患者大多存在心理障碍(p<0.05),但只有6.0%的医师认为心理障碍是CP的病因。

    66.7 % of urologists in tertiary hospitals and 39.0 % in secondary graded hospitals thought that psychological disorders commonly occurred in patients with CP ( p < 0.05 ), but only 6.0 % of all urologists believed psychological disorder caused CP.

  10. 结论:在三级医院住院的ACHD患者中,贫血并不少见,且与死亡风险增加3倍有关。

    CONCLUSIONS : Anemia is not uncommon in ACHD patients attending tertiary services and is associated with a3-fold increased risk of death .

  11. 方法:利用澳大利亚改良DRGs第5版(AR-DRGsv5.0)对北京市7家三级医院2005年16万出院病例首页数据进行分组。

    Methods : Using Australia-Refined Diagnosis Related Groups , version 5.0 ( AR-DRGs v5.0 ) to classify the 160 000 discharged cases from 7 large hospitals in Beijing in 2005.Based on this , mortality risk classification was established to adjust the whole-hospital risks .

  12. 北京市三级医院临床实验室现状调查及分析

    Survey and analysis of the performance of clinical laboratories in Beijing

  13. 创建三级医院文献资源服务平台之我见

    My proposition to develop three grade hospital literature resource service platform

  14. 三级医院护理人员工作绩效评估量表的构建

    Construction of Work Performance Rating Scale for nurses in tertiary hospital

  15. 公立三级医院管理社区医疗服务中心的实践与探索

    Experience and explore on community health center management by tertiary hospital

  16. 二级医院和三级医院医疗纠纷案件特点分析

    Characteristics analysis of medical disputes in secondary hospitals and tertiary hospitals

  17. 三级医院与社区卫生服务一体化建制与实施

    Tertiary hospital and community health center integration organizing and implementing

  18. 总量控制政策对三级医院药费的影响

    Influence of Gross Control Policy on Medicine Expenditure of the Tertiary Hospital

  19. 三级医院管理人员的素质要求及培训途径

    Quality requirements on and training channels for management personnel in third-tier hospitals

  20. 以三级医院为基础的早产儿视网膜病多中心临床研究

    The Multicenter Clinical Research of Retinopathy of Prematurity in the Tri-grade Hospital

  21. 背景:在三级医院内的生殖医学实验中心。

    SETTING : Center for reproductive medicine laboratory in tertiary hospital setting .

  22. 优质服务与三级医院服务营销策略的关系

    The Relationship between Knight Service and the Third class Hospital Service Marketing Tactics

  23. 湖北省三级医院护理人员职业态度调查与分析

    The professional attitude of nurses in Class - ⅲ hospitals in Hubei province

  24. 北京市45所三级医院医院感染管理现状调查

    Nosocomial Infection Management in Beijing ′ s Tertiary Care Hospitals : Current Status

  25. 并提示三级医院的功能发生了变化。

    The function of the tertiary hospitals had changed .

  26. 市、县、乡三级医院护理人员生活质量研究

    The Investigation on the Life Quality of Nursing Staff

  27. 三级医院输血科(血库)的规范化管理及方向

    Standardized management and direction of blood transfusion department in a grade III hospital

  28. 三级医院临床医生工作满意度研究

    A Research on Satisfaction Degree of Clinical Doctors in A Grade 3 hospital

  29. 结果市、县、乡三级医院246台压力蒸汽灭菌器中,灭菌效果合格196份,合格率79.7%;

    Results The qualified rate of germicidal effect in 246 autoclaves was 79.7 % .

  30. 1996&1999年上海市某三级医院住院患者例均费用分析

    Study of Inpatient Charges per Case from 1996 to 1999 in A Tertiary Hospital