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  1. 三泰汽车营销管理系统

    Automobile Marketing Management System of SanTai

  2. 在和谐旋转中,三泰轴承以文化承续者的态势,开创着自身的完美与进步。

    In the harmonic advancement , Santai Bearing is bearing new perfection and progress as a culture bearer .

  3. 在华新开发区三泰市场,一家干货店老板热情的向记者介绍。

    Lately develop ward three thalline market places in R.O.C , a drysaltery boss enthusiasm of recommend to the reporter .

  4. 本周三泰米尔纳德邦卫生部在首府金奈的一家诊所推出了免费隆胸服务。

    The Tamil Nadu state health department on Wednesday launched the free service at a clinic in the capital Chennai .

  5. 三泰公司是小型企业,在近十来年的发展,在风险管理方面并未得到正确的认识和运用。

    Three Thai company is small enterprise , in recent ten years of development , the risk management did not get the correct understanding and use .

  6. 本文旨在以三泰电子公司广州分公司为案例研究对象,分析如何通过相关措施来进行营销团队建设与管理。

    This paper aims to use Santai Electronics Company Guangzhou Branch as a case to analyze how to carry out the marketing team building and management by means of the relevant measures .

  7. 因此,本文将运用营销团队建设和营销管理等方面的理论知识,分析目前三泰电子公司广州分公司在营销团队方面存在的问题,并制定相应的营销团队建设解决方案。

    Therefore , this paper will employ the theoretical knowledge of the marketing team building and marketing management , analyze the problems about the marketing team faced by Santai Electronics Company Guangzhou Branch , and put forward the corresponding solutions .