
  1. “没关系!万物复苏的春季就要来了,天气在逐渐变好。”

    B : Don 't worry ! Spring 's round the corner – things are looking up .

  2. Feb.3-5立春SpringBegins春天开始,天气回暖,万物复苏。

    Beginning of spring , temprature rises and nature wakes .

  3. 春季万物复苏,一派清新;

    Recovery of all things in the spring , fresh one ;

  4. 随着春天的到来,万物复苏了。

    With the advent of spring , everything comes to life again .

  5. 你的出现会让我生命中的万物复苏。

    Everything in my life will come to themselves for your appearance .

  6. 运河融化,万物复苏。

    The canal melts and everything rouses up from sleeping .

  7. 格里菲思不懂得疯狂地堕入情网的喜悦。春回大地,万物复苏是令人异常喜悦的一段时光。

    Griffiths did not know the delight of being so madly in love .

  8. 虽然春天万物复苏,给人希望。不过我还是喜欢夏天。

    I still like summer more although spring brings life back to everything .

  9. 它们在春天万物复苏时出现然后像幽灵一样消失

    appear in spring for the boom times , then vanish like phantoms .

  10. 万物复苏的春日,湛蓝的天空上漂浮着几朵零散的云彩。

    Recovery of all things spring , blue sky floating Jiduo scattered clouds .

  11. 春回大地,万物复苏。

    Coming of Spring , all things recovery .

  12. 这一时间更为合理,因为春天是万物复苏、万象更新的时节。

    This makes more sense as spring is a time of rebirth and renewal .

  13. 春天来了,万物复苏。

    Spring has come , everything reawakens .

  14. 春天万物复苏,草儿变绿,百花开放。

    In spring , everything comes alive , the grass turns green and the flowers begin to .

  15. 我们张开臂膀,拥抱拂面而来的第一缕春风,拥抱这生机勃发、万物复苏的大地。

    Let 's open our arms and hug the first breeze and the earth full of growing vitality !

  16. “口号农业”可以休矣高登元春回大地,万物复苏。

    " Catchword agriculture " can rest Gao Dengyuan spring answer the earth , everythings on earth anabiosises .

  17. 春回大地,万物复苏是令人异常喜悦的一段时光。

    The return of spring , and the revivification of nature , is a period hailed with uncommon delight .

  18. 我也喜欢春天,因为春天万物复苏,给人一种生机勃勃、充满希望的感觉。

    I also like spring because the spring revival of all things , giving a vibrant , hopeful feeling .

  19. 冬天过去了,万物复苏,这时,一年一度的清明节又到了。

    Winter have passed , and all things recovery , at this time , the annual Ching Ming Festival again .

  20. 一些动物,比如这头灰色猫头鹰,在春天万物复苏时出现,然后像幽灵般消失。

    Some , like the great grey owl , appear in spring for the booming times then vanish like phantoms .

  21. 提顿山脉,在黄石高原极端的南部边缘,正是春天万物复苏的开始。

    The Tetons , on the extreme southern edge of the Yellowstone plateau , is where the spring thaw normally begins .

  22. 寒冬过后必将迎来万物复苏、万象更新的春天。

    After the chilly winter is gone , we will again embrace spring , when everything will take on a new look .

  23. 巴克斯本人,像葡萄藤一样代表了春天大自然的万物复苏。一个森林小神在拥抱一个大笑者的林泽仙女。

    Bacchus himself , like the grape vine , symbolized the springtime rebirth of nature , A satyr embraces a laughing nymphs .

  24. 万物复苏,春回大地,新的一年随着时间的轮回又开始了一篇新的乐章。

    Everything recovery , the spring returns to the land , the new year as the reincarnation of the time began a new movement .

  25. 春天不仅是万物复苏的时候,也是狂欢节即将开始的时候。

    Visit Theme Parks Not only is spring the season of nature rebirth , but it 's also the start of a carnival time .

  26. 万物复苏,春回大地,那朵小小的花也重新开放了,就像一个小小的、温暖的笑脸。

    All the things waked up , the spring was back , the little flower came out again , just be like a small warm smiling face .

  27. 人们曾经相信,大自然每年冬季只不过是把大地打扫干净,这是一种每年一次的天启,它预示了一个神奇的万物复苏的春天紧接着要到来。

    Once it was believed that nature simply wiped the slate clean every winter , a kind of yearly apocalypse followed by a miracle rebirth each spring .

  28. 在这里生命与春天万物复苏的气息与死亡的象征形成了强烈的对比,我决定要拍张照片,永远留住这幅画面。

    The contrast of these symbols of life and springtime next to a symbol of death was so striking , I decided to take a photograph of it .

  29. 这一天不仅要扫墓,也是踏青来庆祝春天到来,万物复苏、大地返绿的日子。

    It is a day not just for visiting cemeteries , but also for going out to celebrate the coming of spring as nature wakes up , dressing the world in green .

  30. 也许我太伤感过去有灰色雨季夏天有悲观,但我已很愉快春天,万物复苏的春天柳絮内!

    Perhaps I was too sad past , there were gray rainy season , there have been gloomy summer But now I have a pleasant spring , the spring catkins dance Inside reviving everything !