
  1. 结果表明,与对照组相比,经过7d暴露后,清镇组大鼠及万山组大鼠脑汞蓄积均出现显著性差异(清镇,p<0.05;万山,p<0.01)。

    Results showed that the accumulation of mercury in the brain of rats in Qingzhen group and Wanshan group appeared significant difference after 7 days exposure ( Qingzhen , p < 0 . 05 ; Wanshan , p < 0 . 01 ) compared to the control group .

  2. 万山汞矿卤素元素地球化学特征及其地质意义

    Geochemistry of halogens in the Wanshan mercury deposit and Its Geological Implications

  3. 珠海万山区海岛旅游资源开发探讨

    An Approach to Exploit Island Tourism Resources of Wanshan District in Zhuhai

  4. 我们的祖先万山(自己是)万山人。

    Our ancestors used to call ( themselves ) Mantauran .

  5. 贵州万山汞矿汞污染生物健康效应

    The Biological Health Effects of Mercury Pollution in Guizhou Wanshan Mercury Mine

  6. 万山群岛海域事故性溢油污染的研究

    Study on the accident oil spill pollution in Wanshan Archipelago Sea Area

  7. 万山特区森林资源评价与经营管理建议

    Evaluation and Management Proposals for the Forest Resources in Wanshan Special Zone

  8. 珠海万山群岛海上生态公园建设规划构想

    A conception of constructing the marine ecological park in Wanshan islands , Zhuhai

  9. 贵州万山含钾岩石的开发利用

    The Development of Potassium-Bearing Rocks in Guizhou Province

  10. 贵州省万山汞矿区地表水中不同形态汞的空间分布特点

    Mercury Speciations and their distribution in surface water from Wanshan Mercury Mining District , Guizhou Province

  11. 万山水域温盐分析&海湾扇贝养殖环境可行性研究

    A study on temperature and salinity in Wanshan waters ── environmental feasibility study for scallop culture

  12. 发现万山以西的三个站的盐度序列有明显的3.4&3.5a长周期波动,万山和云澳站序列也存在明显的2.1,6.9和7.25a等长周期波动。

    3.4-3.5 years periodical vibration was obviously found in the sequences of three stations west to Wanshan .

  13. 巍巍昆仑,万山之祖,乃华夏文化发祥圣域。

    Lofty Kunlun Mountains , the ancestor of mountains , Chinese culture is originates this saint territory .

  14. 海洋产业区域创新初步研究&以珠海万山海洋开发试验区为例

    Primary Study on the Regional Innovation of Marine Industries & A Study Case of Zhuhai Wanshan District

  15. 6月15日,中印边境警卫在加尔万山谷爆发了一场致命冲突。

    A deadly clash between Chinese and Indian border guards in the Galwan Valley on June 15 .

  16. 万山特区发展壮大村(居)集体经济的实践与思考

    Practice and Consideration About Wanshan Special District Develop and Strength Villages ( Residents ' Committees ) Collective Economy Experience

  17. 用方差分析法对涠洲、硇洲、闸坡、万山、云澳五个海洋站多年观测的盐度月平均值序列作周期性检验。

    Salinity periodicity had been studied by the method of squariance analysis on the mean monthly sequences from five observation stations .

  18. 贵州铜仁万山特区汞矿资源的开发、利用与可持续发展

    A study on the Exploitation , Utilization , and Sustainable Development of the Mercury Resources in Wanshan SAR of Tongren , Guizhou

  19. 鲁西地区二叠纪石盒子组万山段底部赋存有一层铝土矿,通称A层铝土。

    There is one layer of bauxite at the bottom of Wanshan segment of Shihezi formation in western Shandong province that is generally called layer-A bauxite .

  20. 夏雨来得急来得猛“一雁下投天尽处,万山浮动雨来初”让人好不快慰。

    Summer came more fierce urgency " of a vote under the day is done and geese , floating mountains to the beginning of the rain ," people no better comfort .

  21. 九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部的万山丛中。目前大约1000只居住在四川、山西、甘肃等西北地区。?!

    Jiuzhaigou is a scenic spot tucked away in the depth of mountains in the northern part of Sichuan Province . An estimated 1,000 live in Sichuan and in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces in the northwest .

  22. 在万山中,当你坐在白杨的凉荫下,享受那远田与原野的宁静与和平&你应当让你的心在沉静中说:“上帝安息在理性中。”

    Among the hills , when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars , sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows-then let your heart say in silence ," God rests in reason . "

  23. 六十年代初至今,全区植树7000多万株,每年封山育林约14万公顷。九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部的万山丛中。

    From the early 1960s to the present , the region has planted 70 million trees and hillsides closed off for forest conservation reached 140,000 hectares a year . Jiuzhaigou is a scenic spot tucked away in the depth of mountains in the northern part of Sichuan Province .