
  1. 分散发电机组一般容量较小,投资的经济性和设备、电网的安全可靠性之间的矛盾,在分散发电并网运行中比较突出;

    As the fact that the capacity of the distributed generator is generally small , how to give attention to both the economy of investment and the safety and reliability of the grid and equipment , becomes the outstanding problem about the grid interconnecting of DG .

  2. 存储虚拟化是一种智能、高效的管理存储数据的方式,其实现的策略一般基于容量、带宽或性能。

    Storage Virtualization is an intelligent and highly effective method to manage storage data .

  3. 无线传感器节点一般由容量有限的电池供电,能量受限是无线传感网的突出特点。

    Wireless sensor nodes are usually powered by limited batterie , as a result , constrained energy is a prominent feature for WSNs .

  4. 本文给出了一般大容量电站锅炉中常用的复杂过热器连接系统的流量偏差计算方法,包括:(1)整个过热器系统分成两路而在两路的汇总处单侧引出过热蒸汽;

    In this article the method of calculation of flow deviation in the complex superheater connection systems frequently used in conventional large capacity utility boilers is given .

  5. 在物联网大规模组网的应用中,节点一般采用容量有限的电池供电,不仅数目庞大而且电池不便替换。

    In the application of large-scale networking in Internet of Things , limited capacity battery power was generally used in the sensors , which not only large number but also inconvenience replaced .

  6. 一般认为血容量减少是航天后立位耐力降低的一个重要因素。

    It is believed that the reduction of blood volume might be one of the important factors .

  7. 注液达所需容量后(一般为额定容量的150%&200%)停止注液。

    Stop the water rejection after the required capacity ( usually 150 % - 200 % of rated capacity ) .

  8. 对低密度纠删码的度分布序列进行了研究,证明了Heavy-Tail/Poisson序列、右边正则序列和一般的逼近容量度序列的若干分析性质。

    Sequences of degree distribution for low-density erasure codes are investigated . Some analytical properties of the Heavy-Tail / Poisson sequences , right-regular sequences and general capacity-achieving sequences for low-density erasure codes are shown .

  9. 一般水环境容量的研究对象多为地表水系,如湖库和河流流域等,本文尝试选用水质模型来模拟推算煤矿塌陷水域的水环境容量。

    Generally , the objects of study on water environmental capacity are surface waters , such as reservoir , lake and river basins , etc. This paper tries to use water quality model to calculate the water environmental capacity of coal mining subsidence waters .

  10. 便携式数码助理为一消费电子产品,它可以在没有电脑的情况下完成转存数码设备存储卡上数据的功能,又可作为一般的高速大容量USB移动硬盘使用。

    The Portable Digital Assistant is a consumer electronics , which can store the data in the memory cards of digital products without computer around , and also be used as a large high-speed portable USB hard disk .

  11. 一般来说,备用容量越大,系统的可靠性越高。

    Generally speaking if there is more reserve , system reliability is better .

  12. 调相机吸收无功的能力一般为其额定容量的35&40%。

    The ability of the condenser to absorb reactive power is generally about 35 % - 40 % of its rating .

  13. 目前在分析高层结构与地基的共同作用中,困难之一是所需的计算贮存量远远超过一般电子计算机的容量。

    In applying conventional substructure method to soil-tall building-interaction , the number of structural elements always exceeds the capacity of available computer programs .